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POLICY 701 PUPIL PROTECTION POLICY PURPOSE Protect children from abusive behaviour by adults whose job or role has put them in a position of trust Protect.

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3 PURPOSE Protect children from abusive behaviour by adults whose job or role has put them in a position of trust Protect adults from false allegations Eliminate abusive behaviour through prevention and intervention Define acceptable standards of behaviour

4 3 CATEGORIES (3)Inappropriate behaviour Management (2)Misconduct (1)Abusive Behaviour

5 CATEGORY III - INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT Approach used is counterproductive to learning Reflects poor judgement or limited behaviour management skills

6 CATEGORY III - INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT Examples of inappropriate behaviour personal attacks on pupil’s character rather than dealing with behaviour poking with finger, or grabbing jacket continual use of sarcasm swearing or calling names habitual uncontrolled temper

7 CATEGORY III - INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT Examples of appropriate behaviour normal disciplinary measures taken for valid reasons which are consistent with the Education Act and Bus Driver Guidelines physical force or restraint not exceeding that required for the protection of an orderly environment and safety

8 CATEGORY III - INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT Examples of appropriate behaviour patting the back, holding the hand, or hugging to comfort a pupil as appropriate to the situation and physical or developmental age of the child

9 CATEGORY II - MISCONDUCT Negative conduct towards pupils which would be judged inappropriately by N.B. educators Has damaging effects on physical, mental, social or emotional well being of pupil. Effects may or may not be intended

10 CATEGORY II - MISCONDUCT Examples : behaviours which would objectively be considered offensive or insulting, exceeding reasonable limits of discipline This include comments, conduct or displays which demean, belittle or cause unfair disadvantage that were reported under category III and have remain unremedied after normal intervention by Supervisors

11 CATEGORY II - MISCONDUCT Examples : behaviours which may not necessarily be directed at anyone in particular but creates a hostile or offensive atmosphere staring, perceivable to an observer, at genitals, breasts or buttocks, making sexual gestures or inappropriate comments or jokes attempting to pursue, isolate or see pupils individually without valid reason

12 CATEGORY 1 - ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR Has the following components breach of section 31(1) of Family Services Act a criminal code offense involving children a form of discrimination under the Human Rights Act

13 CATEGORY 1 - ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR Examples discriminatory behaviour prohibited by Human Rights Act behaviour 0f sexual nature, such as accepting sexual advances or invitations, asking for date, touching inappropriately or having sexual relationship any behaviour which is considered physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect

14 YOUR OBLIGATION Mandatory to report if you witness or suspect abusive behaviour as defined under Policy 701 Failure to report may result in reprimand or dismissal Ignorance of acceptable conduct not regarded as valid excuse

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