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Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Elizabeth Suescún Monsalve Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Elizabeth Suescún Monsalve Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Teaching Software Engineering with SimulES-W Elizabeth Suescún Monsalve Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio Departamento de Informática {emonsalve, julio} Vera Maria Werneck Univesidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ-Rio Departamento de informática e computação

2 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio2 Summary  Work Objectives  Work Overview  SimulES  SimulES-W  Conclusion

3 Work Objectives  Argue about educational purposes which are conceived to balance entertainment with dissemination of knowledge;  Present SimulES as an alternative to teach software engineering;  Show the evolution of SimulES from a board game to a web game named SimulES-W;  Present implementation details. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio3

4 Work Overview  Game technology has been used as a teaching tool in many educational areas;  Problems and Programmers (PnP) game;  How to teach using Role-Playing and strategies. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio4

5 SimulES  SimulES is an educational board and card game in which the player performs different roles;  Players must deal with adversaries and situations within the project;  It does not have any specific development process;  It has different rounds where players execute their moves. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio5

6 SDSituations 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio6

7 Objective The game objective is to build a software product without errors in the artifacts nor unresolved problem cards. If the player is the first to do this, he/she will win the game. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio7

8 Some SimulES Resources 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio8 Project Card Software Engineer Card Problem Card Concept Card

9 Some SimulES Resources 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio9 Main Board of SimulES

10 Some SimulES Resources 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio10 Individual Board and White and Gray Artifacts Cards of SimulES

11 SimulES-W  SimulES-W is a Web based implementation based on a series of versions that evolved SimulES;  It is played on a browser over the Internet in a distributed and cooperative way;  Is was modeled using the idea of Intentional Modeling;  It was implemented in Java and i* Diagrams were mapped to a general MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and the code was instrumented with Scenarios describing i* tasks. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio11

12 Using Strategies to Teach Software Engineering  planned by the instructor:  customizing, editing and emphasizing.  planned by the Player:  Taking advantage of his/her own game;  Taking advantage of the adversaries’ weaknesses;  Deciding when artifacts should be inspected;  Using software engineering concepts adequately. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio12

13 SimulES-W 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio13 Main Page of SimulES-W

14 SimulES-W 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio14 Individual Board of SimulES-W

15 SimulES-W 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio15 Concept Card of SimulES-W

16 SimulES-W 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio16 Development Environment of SimulES-W

17 Conclusion  Educational games are a powerful learning tool;  Games can help to improve students´ skills and stimulate individual and social groups’ experiences;  Using games the students are encouraged to participate, helping educators to simulate real environments. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio17

18 Conclusion  SimulES-W is a game that can achieve effective results of disseminating Software Engineering knowledge;  It can be customized by the instructor;  The evolution of the game is the result of feedbacks received. 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio18

19 THANKS 3/3/2016@LES/PUC-Rio19

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