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Hazardous Waste Management Legislation RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Regulate management and disposal of wastes currently being produced.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazardous Waste Management Legislation RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Regulate management and disposal of wastes currently being produced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazardous Waste Management Legislation RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Regulate management and disposal of wastes currently being produced CERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Often called Super-Fund) Deals with clean-up of old or pre-existing hazardous waste problems And clean-up of spills TOSCA – Toxic Substances Control Act Prevention of the creation of hazardous wastes and PCB clean-up

2 RCRA Mandates “cradle-to-grave” management of Hazardous wastes Every organization that manages hazardous wastes must notify EPA and receive an Identification number Hazardous wastes are monitored by the Hazardous Waste Manifest System

3 Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Generators create Uniform Hazardous Waste manifest document Manifest must Accompany waste At all times, from Generation to disposal

4 What Constitutes a Generator? Anyone classified as a small or large quantity generator must start the manifest document So anyone generating more than 100 kg/month Has to comply with the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest process Manifests must also be created if > 10 kg/month of acutely toxic wastes are generated Generators ID number must accompany the waste at all times

5 Transporter Storage Treatment Disposal TSD


7 CERCLA Establishes responsibility for waste clean-up Liability is “strict” according to CERCLA Don’t have to prove an action was irresponsible to estabish responsibility Generators ultimately responsible Liability is “Joint and Several” A generator may be held responsible more than “his fair share” Deep pocket Liability is retroactive

8 Results More “on-site” disposal Why?

9 Clean-up of Old Sites Evaluation Hazard Ranking System (HRS) 1 Potential health effects 2 Potential for fammability & explosion 3 Potential for direct contact with waste HRS score Based on HRS score sites are prioritized National Priority List (NPL)  2200 sites on NPL  ~40 have been cleaned up  In addition, 110 DOE sites  17,000 DOD sites

10 Steps to Clean-up Sites on NPL 1) RI/FS (Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study) Define Problem Investigate alternative solutions Determine a recommended solution 2) Public Meetings 3) ROD (record of decision) Choose alternative solution

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