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4 TECHNICAL QUIZ - II 10. dp=ρgdhGcalled as a. Hydrostatic equation b. Pressure equation c. Motion equation d. Altitude equation 11. Altitude is the ________ distance from the earth surface. a. Parallel b. Inclined c. Vertical d. Horizontal 12. Absolute altitude is the vertical distance from the a. Earth centre b. Earth surface c. Sea level d. Geometric altitude

5 TECHNICAL QUIZ - II 13. Geometric altitude is the vertical distance from the a. Earth centre b. Earth surface c. Sea level d. Absolute altitude 14. h=r hG/ (r+hG) is the relation between a. hG& h b. hG& ha c. ha& h d. hG&hd 15. Total distance travelled by airplane per unit tank of fuel called as a. Range b. Distance c. Endurance d. Max Endurance 16. Total time airplane fly in air per unit tank of fuel called as a. Range b. Distance c. Endurance d.Maximum range 17. ISA contains standard atmosphere a. T, P, ρ b. T0, P, ρ c. T, ρ d. T, P, ρ0 18. High speed intersection between PA& PR is the a.Drag polar b. Maximum velocity c. Minimum velocity d. velocity

6 TECHNICAL QUIZ - II 19. The vertical distance h of the airplane center of gravity above mean sea level. a. Lift b. Altitude c. Drag d. Drag Polar 20. The force that opposes the forward motion of an airplane is called _______. a. Thrust b. Lift c. Drag d. Gravity 21. The engine of an airplane provides _______. a. Thrust b. Lift c. Drag d. Gravity 22. The wings of an airplane are designed to provide ______. 23. The ______ are used to raise or lower the wings. a. Ailerons b. Elevators c. Rudder d. Pitch 24. The _______ are used to raise or lower the tail of a plane and cause the nose to rise or dip.

7 TECHNICAL QUIZ - II 25. The direction of the plane from left and right is controlled by the ____. a. Ailerons b. Elevators c. Rudder d. Pitch 26. The engine speed is increased or decreased with the use of the_____. a. Ailerons b. Elevators c. Throttle d. Yaw 27. By what name is an aircraft's flight recorder also known? a. Black bag b. Black board c. Black box d. Black bit 28. The equations of motion for an airplane are simply statements of a. Newton’s I law b. Newton’s III law c. Newton’s II law d. Newton’s I V law

8 TECHNICAL QUIZ - II 29. Which force is acting on perpendicular to flight path? a. Drag b. Weight c. Lift d. Thrust 30. How lift generated on wing? A. Velocity variation b. Pressure variation c. Thrust variation d. Density variation 31. Any object heavier than air which is fly in air is called as A. Airplane b. Aircraft c. Helicopter d. Rotorcraft 32. The object heavier than air which is propelled by engine and fly in air is called as Airplane b. Aircraft c. Helicopter d. Rotorcraft

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