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C HAPTER 14 Ownership. T HE 7 TH C OMMANDMENT God gave humanity the earth to enjoy & share There is a right to ownership God acknowledges this by giving.

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Presentation on theme: "C HAPTER 14 Ownership. T HE 7 TH C OMMANDMENT God gave humanity the earth to enjoy & share There is a right to ownership God acknowledges this by giving."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HAPTER 14 Ownership

2 T HE 7 TH C OMMANDMENT God gave humanity the earth to enjoy & share There is a right to ownership God acknowledges this by giving us a commandment dealing with private property 7 th Commandment: You shall not steal Exodus 20:15 Teaches us how to treat other’s belongings Don’t steal Restitution for damages Have nothing to do with stolen property Pay back loans Honor contracts

3 V IOLATIONS AGAINST THE 7 TH C OMMANDMENT Theft: Taking what is not yours i.e. stealing, lying, plagiarism, cheating Fraud: Deception/violations of contract Usury: lending with excessively high interest Taking advantage of another’s position of need Disrespecting God’s creation Robs future generations of the ability to appreciate the earth

4 T HE 10 TH C OMMANDMENT You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods Teaches us to properly desire possessions Violations Envy: Resenting another’s success Unhappy because someone wants what another has Avarice: Excessive desire for wealth Similar to greed Never satisfied with what one has

5 J USTICE AND C HARITY Justice: The virtue which protects personal possessions Protects people’s rights to certain things that they should not be denied Food, clothing, shelter Stealing is OK in extreme situations of life and death Because in that case it isn’t stealing Jean Valjean and Les Miserables Charity: Genuine love for others Need to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves

6 C ORPORAL W ORKS OF M ERCY Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Comfort the sick Visit those in prison Bury the dead

7 S T. F RANCIS St. Francis lived in Assisi, Italy His father was Pietro Bernardone Rich cloth merchant with big plans for Francis St. Francis wanted to be big in the world Went to war, but came back changed Fell in love with “Lady Poverty” As he believed she led him to live Christ’s life He received a vision to “rebuild My Church” Took it literally God meant for Francis to start an order that would heal the Church as a whole Franciscans focused on people rather than the Church’s own importance He taught that things are not evil, but we should never trade our relationships with people for the things of this world

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