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MAT 1235 Calculus II Maple Lab 1. Team... 2 persons per team One report per team No discussions between teams At least one person in each team knows Maple.

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Presentation on theme: "MAT 1235 Calculus II Maple Lab 1. Team... 2 persons per team One report per team No discussions between teams At least one person in each team knows Maple."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT 1235 Calculus II Maple Lab 1

2 Team... 2 persons per team One report per team No discussions between teams At least one person in each team knows Maple. You are supposed to review Maple over the weekend.

3 The Lab Report Lab reports must be typed, and stapled No electronic copies will be accepted Do not print out Maple worksheet Graphs should be copy-and-paste into your word document. Label all your graphs and diagrams Names, Date, and Title in every report

4 The Lab Report Lab reports must be typed, and stapled No electronic copies will be accepted Do not print out Maple worksheet Graphs should be copy-and-paste into your word document. Label all your graphs and diagrams Names, Date, and Title in every report

5 The Lab Report Lab reports must be typed, and stapled No electronic copies will be accepted Do not print out Maple worksheet Graphs should be copy-and-paste into your Word document. Label all your graphs and diagrams Names, Date, and Title in every report

6 The Lab Report Lab reports must be typed, and stapled No electronic copies will be accepted Do not print out Maple worksheet Graphs should be copy-and-paste into your Word document. Label all your graphs and diagrams Names, Date, and Title in every report

7 Label functions on the same graph

8 The Lab Report Lab reports must be typed, and stapled No electronic copies will be accepted Do not print out Maple worksheet Graphs should be copy-and-paste into your Word document. Label all your graphs and diagrams Names, and Date in every report

9 The Lab Report All formula and equations must be typed in Word.

10 Label functions on the same graph

11 The Lab Report All formula and equations must be typed in Word. Do not copy-and paste formula or equations from Maple

12 The Lab Report All formula and equations must be typed in Word. Do not copy-and paste formula or equations from Maple Do not reformat the pages given.

13 The Lab Report All formula and equations must be typed in Word. Do not copy-and paste formula or equations from Maple Do not reformat the pages given. You DO NOT need to print your report in color.

14 Lab 01 Download it from the web. Due 2:00 p.m. Tomorrow

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