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Constructs for Data Organization and Program Control, Scope, Binding, and Parameter Passing. Expression Evaluation.

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1 Constructs for Data Organization and Program Control, Scope, Binding, and Parameter Passing. Expression Evaluation

2 Constructs for Data Organization  Data Structures: Used to implement a collection of objects.  Arrays  Linked Lists  Stacks  Recursion

3 Recall: Asymptotic Analysis – Big (O)  As a programmer, you often have a choice of data structures and algorithms. Choosing involves two factors  Time Complexity: how much time  Space Complexity: how much storage  Big Oh relates to an upper bound on complexity meaning the worst amount of time/space an algorithm could take.

4 Continue: Data Organization  Sorted List  Array vs. Linked List Implementation OperationArray Linked List Create empty list O(1)O(1) Delete all list elements O(1)O(n) Compute Length O(1)O(n) Search for item O(log n) O(n) Access kth element in list O(1)O(n) Access next list element O(1)O(1) Access previous list element O(1)O(n) Insert/delete accessed item O(n)O(1)

5 Data Organization Algorithms Binary Search O(log n) Trees Hight = floor( log2n ) Add & Delete O(logn) QueuesAdd=Delete=O(1) Priority Queues O(logn) For tree structure; however O(n) if the tree is unballanced Heaps ; based on the notion of a complete tree Time for Extract Max =Insert=O(logn) ; Bubble, Selection, Insertion Sorts O(n2) only suitable for small problems Red-Black Trees O(log n)

6 Program Control  Aspects of the language that control which program statements get executed, and in what order. Control Statements do not evaluate to a numeric value.  Examples  If Statements  While Statements  For Statements  Break Statement

7 Scope  The scope of an identifier is the region of a program source within which it represents a certain thing (int, object, etc.). This usually extends from the place where it is declared to the end of the smallest enclosing block (begin/end or procedure/function body).

8 Examples of Scope  Lexical Scope( or static scope): scope of an identifier is fixed at compile time to some region in the source code containing the identifiers declaration. This means that an identifier is only accessible within that region. Int foo( ) { int a; a=3 return a; }

9 Dynamic Scope:  An identifier can be referred to, not only in the block where it is declared, but also in any function or procedure called from within that block, even if the called procedure is declared outside the block. Global Variable. Int a; main Foo() {int b; a=5; b=foo2() } Int Foo2() { return a; }

10 Static/Dynamic Binding  Static Binding (AKA Early Binding): The compiler uses the type of variables to do the binding at the compile time  Dynamic Binding(AKA Late Binding): the decision is made at run time based on the type of the actual values

11 Main Binding Techniques  Early (static) binding, is the binding of functions in a program at compile time The program knows the type of the data for each The program knows the type of the data for each function called. For example: function called. For example: AddRealNums (x, y) x & y are of type real AddRealNums (x, y) x & y are of type real  Late (dynamic) binding of the message selector to the appropriate method at run time The programmer doesn’t know the specific method The programmer doesn’t know the specific method that will be used that will be used AddNumber(x, y) x & y are number objects AddNumber(x, y) x & y are number objects

12 Shape Class Example  A display list in a graphic application.  List Elements: Object of subclasses of class shape Object of subclasses of class shape Triangles, rectangles etc. Triangles, rectangles etc.  We want the list to contain elements of type Shape, but each should be capable of preserving its own special properties.  If we loop over the list and send each element in it a draw message, the element should respond according to its dynamic type.

13 Static vs. Dynamic Binding  Static binding: binding based on static type More efficient Less flexible  Dynamic Binding: More flexible Less efficient

14 Parameter Passing Mechanisms  Call-by-value  Call-by-reference  Copy-restore  Call-by-name  Functions as Parameters

15 Term and Definitions  Formal Parameter: specified (together with type) when procedure is declared (AKA formals)  Actual Parameters: values which are passed to a procedure at call site (AKA actuals).  L-value: storage location represented by an expression (e.g. a register, a memory location, etc.)  R-value: value contained at the storage location  L- and r refer to the “left” and “right” side of an assignment. Int factorial ( int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; else return n * factorial (n – 1 ); } … Factorial ( 42 ); Formal Actuals

16 Call-by-value  A formal is treated the same as a local (i.e. storage is allocated on the stack or in a register)  The caller evaluates the actuals and passes the result to the callee  Operations on the formals do not affect values in the stack frame of the caller, so the following will not work: Void swap (int a, int b) { int temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }

17 Call-by-reference  Also known as: call-by-address, call-by-location  The location of the actual is passed, rather then its value: if the actual is a variable (i.e. corresponds to an assignable location in memory) its address is passed if the actual is an expression, the expression is evaluated to a temporary location and the address of that location is passed ( the compiler will warn you since this is not what you usually want)  Operation on the formals do affect the values in the caller, so procedure swap now works: Void swap (int& a, int& b) { int temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }

18 Copy-restore  Also known as: copy-in copy-out, value-result  Combination of call-by-value and call-by-reference:  The actuals are evaluated before the call  The expression having only r-values,  The expression having l-values are passed by reference

19 Call-by-Name  The evaluation of actuals is delayed until their use in callee  Can be implemented by using parameterless evaluation procedures (sometimes called thunks) that are created for each actual: Void foo( int a, int b ) { … a … b … } … Foo ( 1+2, 3 ) ; … Int thunk_1( ) { return 1 + 2 } Int thunk_2( ) { return 3; } Void foo( proc f, proc g) { … p() … q() … } … Foo (thunk_1, thunk_2); …

20 Functions as Parameters  A parameter to a function may be a function itself. Such a parameter is declared by writing the name of the function’s return type (or void), then the name of the parameter, and finally a pair of parentheses(). Inside the parentheses is a list of the parameter types that the function needs. Void apply ( void f( int& ), int data [ ], size_t n ) { size_t i ; for ( i = 0; i < n; ++ i) f ( data [ i ] ); } Function parameter

21 Resources  Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen  Data Structures and other objects using C++ - Savitch    ing/sld019.htm ing/sld019.htm ing/sld019.htm  Applying Data Structures 2 nd ed – T.G. Lewis  Compilers Construction ( Principles and Practice) - Louden

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