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Python: Linked Lists and Recursion Damian Gordon.

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1 Python: Linked Lists and Recursion Damian Gordon

2 Linked Lists

3 23623731 HEAD

4 Linked Lists: Declaration class ListNode: def __init__(self, value, pointer): self.value = value self. pointer = pointer # END ListNode.

5 Linked Lists: Declaration node4 = ListNode(31, None) node3 = ListNode(37, node4) node2 = ListNode(62, node3) node1 = ListNode(23, node2)

6 Linked Lists: Printing print(node1.value) print(node2.value) print(node3.value) print(node4.value)

7 Linked Lists: Printing def PrintNodes(): print("[", nodeA.value, "] -> [",nodeB.value, "] -> [",nodeC.value, "] -> [",nodeD.value, "] -> NULL") # END PrintNodes.

8 Linked Lists: Printing def PrintNodes(): print("[", nodeA.value, "] -> [",nodeB.value, "] -> [",nodeC.value, "] -> [",nodeD.value, "] -> NULL") # END PrintNodes. [ 23 ] -> [ 62 ] -> [ 37 ] -> [ 31 ] -> NULL

9 Linked Lists: Printing def PrintNodesWithLoop(): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode if (Current != None): # THEN while (Current.pointer != None): # DO print(Current.value) Current = Current.pointer # ENDWHILE; print(Current.value) else: print("Empty list") # ENDIF; # END PrintNodesWithLoop.

10 Linked Lists: Printing 23 62 37 31 def PrintNodesWithLoop(): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode if (Current != None): # THEN while (Current.pointer != None): # DO print(Current.value) Current = Current.pointer # ENDWHILE; print(Current.value) else: print("Empty list") # ENDIF; # END PrintNodesWithLoop.

11 Linked Lists: Printing def PrintNodesWithLoopAndCount(): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode CountNodes = 0 if (Current != None): while (Current.pointer != None): print(Current.value) Current = Current.pointer CountNodes = CountNodes + 1 # ENDWHILE; # Print out and count for last node CountNodes = CountNodes + 1 print(Current.value) print("Count:", CountNodes) else: print("Empty list") # END PrintNodesWithLoopAndCount.

12 Linked Lists: Printing 23 62 37 31 Count: 4 def PrintNodesWithLoopAndCount(): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode CountNodes = 0 if (Current != None): while (Current.pointer != None): print(Current.value) Current = Current.pointer CountNodes = CountNodes + 1 # ENDWHILE; # Print out and count for last node CountNodes = CountNodes + 1 print(Current.value) print("Count:", CountNodes) else: print("Empty list") # END PrintNodesWithLoopAndCount.

13 Linked Lists: Create Empty List def CreateEmptyList(): global HeadNode HeadNode = None # END CreateEmptyList.

14 Linked Lists: Delete a List def DeleteAList(): global HeadNode HeadNode = None # END DeleteAList.

15 Linked Lists: Is the List Empty? def ListIsEmpty(): global HeadNode return HeadNode == None # END ListIsEmpty.

16 Linked Lists: Find A Node def FindANode(N): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode Continued 

17 Linked Lists: Find A Node while ((Current.pointer != None) and (Current.value != N)): # DO Current = Current.pointer # ENDWHILE; # Print out and count for last node if (Current.pointer == None): # THEN print(N, "is not in the list") else: print("Found value:", Current.value) # ENDIF; # END FindANode.  Continued

18 Linked Lists: Insert A Node def InsertANode(Pos, N): global HeadNode Current = HeadNode nodeX = ListNode(N, None) PositionCounter = 1 CountNodes = 0 Continued 

19 Linked Lists: Insert A Node if Pos == 0: HeadNode = nodeX nodeX.pointer = Current else: while (Pos > PositionCounter): Current = Current.pointer PositionCounter = PositionCounter + 1 nodeX.pointer = Current.pointer Current.pointer = nodeX # ENDIF; # END InsertANode.  Continued

20 Linked Lists: Delete A Node def DeleteANode(N): global HeadNode Previous = None Current = HeadNode Continued 

21 Linked Lists: Delete A Node if Current.value == N: # THEN HeadNode = Current.pointer else: while ((Current.pointer != None) and (Current.value != N)): # DO Previous = Current Current = Current.pointer # ENDWHILE; Previous.pointer = Current.pointer # ENDIF; # END DeleteANode.  Continued

22 Recursion

23 Recursion: Factorial 7! = 7 * (6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) is 7! = 7 * 6! and 9! = 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 9!= 9 * (8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) 9! = 9 * 8! and N! = N * (N-1)!

24 Recursion: Factorial # PROGRAM RecursiveFactorial def RecursiveFact(n): if n==0: # THEN return 1 else: return n * RecursiveFact(n-1) # ENDIF; # END RecursiveFact. Continued 

25 Recursion: Factorial ######## MAIN PROGRAM ######### InputVal = int(input("Enter number: ")) print (RecursiveFact(InputVal)) # END RecursiveFactorial.  Continued

26 Recursion: Fibonacci The Fibonacci numbers are numbers where the next number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two. The sequence starts with 1, 1, And then it’s 2 Then 3 Then 5 Then 8 Then 13

27 Recursion: Fibonacci # PROGRAM RecursiveFibonacci def RecursiveFib(n): if n==1 or n==2: # THEN return 1 else: return RecursiveFib(n-1)+ RecursiveFib(n-2) # ENDIF; # END RecursiveFibonacci. Continued 

28 Recursion: Fibonacci ######## MAIN PROGRAM ######### InputVal = int(input("Enter number: ")) print (RecursiveFib(InputVal)) # END RecursiveFibonacci.  Continued

29 Recursion: Decimal to Binary Conversion How do we convert decimal numbers to binary? Let’s try the number 23… 23 / 2 = 11 and remainder is 1 11/2 = 5 and remainder is 1 5/2 = 2 and remainder is 1 2/2 = 1 and remainder is 0 1/2 = 0 and remainder is 1 >> So DEC 23 is BIN 10111

30 Decimal to Binary Conversion def DecToBin(n): if n < 0: # THEN return 'Must be a positive integer' elif n == 0: return '0' else: return DecToBin(n//2) + str(n%2) # ENDIF; # END DecToBin. Continued 

31 Decimal to Binary Conversion ########### MAIN PROGRAM ########### InputVal = int(input("Enter DECIMAL number: ")) print("The number", InputVal, "is",DecToBin(InputVal), "in BINARY") # END DecimalToBinaryConversion.  Continued

32 Linked Lists: Recursion How do we count the number of nodes in a linked list recursively? def RecursiveCount(Current): : return 1 + RecursiveCount(Current.pointer) :

33 Linked Lists: Recursion def RecursiveCount(Current): if Current == None: # THEN return 0 else: return 1 + RecursiveCount(Current.pointer) # ENDIF; # END RecursiveCount. print("Recursive Count:", RecursiveCount(HeadNode))

34 Linked Lists: Recursion How do we print out the nodes in a linked list recursively? def RecursivePrint(Current): : print(Current.value) RecursivePrint(Current.pointer) :

35 Linked Lists: Recursion def RecursivePrint(Current): if Current == None: # THEN return else: print(Current.value) RecursivePrint(Current.pointer) # ENDIF; # END RecursiveCount. RecursivePrint(Current)

36 Linked Lists: Recursion How do we find a node in a linked list recursively? def FindANode(Current, N): : return FindANode(Current.pointer, N) :

37 Linked Lists: Recursion def FindANode(Current, N): if (Current.pointer == None): # THEN return None elif (Current.value == N): # THEN print(N, "was found") return N else: return FindANode(Current.pointer, N) # ENDIF; # END FindANode. FindANode(Current, 37)

38 Linked Lists: Recursion How do we insert a node in a linked list recursively? def InsertANode(Current, Pos, N): : nodeX = ListNode(N, None) nodeX.pointer = Current.pointer Current.pointer = nodeX : return InsertANode(Current.pointer, Pos, N)

39 Linked Lists: Recursion def InsertANode(Current, Pos, N): if (Current.pointer == None): # THEN return None elif (Current.value == Pos): # THEN nodeX = ListNode(N, None) nodeX.pointer = Current.pointer Current.pointer = nodeX return N else: return InsertANode(Current.pointer, Pos, N) # ENDIF; # END. InsertANode. RetValue = InsertANode(Current, 37, 12345) RecursivePrint(Current)

40 Linked Lists: Recursion How do we delete a node in a linked list recursively? def DeleteANode(Current, N): : Current.pointer = DeleteANode(Current.pointer, N) :

41 Linked Lists: Recursion def DeleteANode(Current, N): if (Current != None): # THEN if (Current.value == N): # THEN Current = Current.pointer else: Current.pointer = DeleteANode(Current.pointer, N) # ENDIF; return Current # END DeleteANode. RetValue = DeleteANode(Current, 12345) RecursivePrint(Current)

42 etc.

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