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The Jeffersonian “ " Why was this election “revolutionary”? Swing state.

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1 The Jeffersonian “ " Why was this election “revolutionary”? Swing state

2 Election of 1800 Party won, however… –Each elector cast two votes »one for and one for  tied – » “lame-duck” House from 1798 »Solved on 36 th ballot when they stopped supporting Burr and abstained »Helped lead to Amendment: requiring separate ballots for –Jefferson called victory  “ ”

3 The "Dead Clutch" of the Judiciary of 1801 –passed by expiring Federalist Congress –new Republican-Democratic Congress quickly repealed the act and kicked out the 16 newly seated judges (1803) –the Constitution was "the fundamental and paramount law of the nation" and that "an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void." Power of Impeachment of Samuel Chase –SCOTUS Justice the Democratic-Republican Congress tried to remove in retaliation for Marshall's decision regarding Marbury –Was not removed due to a lack of votes in the Senate

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