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Service Manager 2010 Real Life Example: The coffee workflow Mike Resseler & Alexandre Verkinderen Infront Consulting Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Manager 2010 Real Life Example: The coffee workflow Mike Resseler & Alexandre Verkinderen Infront Consulting Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Manager 2010 Real Life Example: The coffee workflow Mike Resseler & Alexandre Verkinderen Infront Consulting Group

2 Alexandre Verkinderen Contact Details LinkedIn: Twitter: @AlexVerkinderen Service Manager 2010 Unleashed RTM soon!

3 Mike Resseler Contact Details: LinkedIn: Twitter: @mikeresseler

4 Agenda 4 Scenario Defining the Process Create the Coffee CI Create the Support Team Create the Incident Workflow Automation Create the Change Workflow Q & A

5 Scenario

6 6

7 Defining the Process

8 UtilityManagementPack UtilityManagementPack Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console 7.0.6555.0 31bf3856ad364e35 Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Authoring 7.0.6555.0 31bf3856ad364e35 ServiceManager.ConfigurationManagement.Library 7.0.6555.0 31bf3856ad364e35 System.Library 7.0.6555.0 31bf3856ad364e35 UtilityManagementPack NotUsed Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.SdkDataAccess Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.SdkDataAccess.DataAdapters.EnterpriseManagementObjectAdapter Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework.AdvancedListSupportAdapter $Context/Property[Type='System!System.ConfigItem']/ObjectStatus$ NotEqual {47101e64-237f-12c8-e3f5-ec5a665412fb} $MPElement[Name="DisplayName.5b83c10b8bf149eea6ee7583079294a6"]$ $MPElement[Name="DisplayName.dd4c5809cb3248fa8a3c0cec3c30272c"]$ $MPElement[Name="Id.53ee20a1406a43409696843e2d10c4fc"]$ $MPElement[Name="Model.a286e99f6a4c4dfa9a9fba59727376c2"]$ $MPElement[Name="PuchaseDate.7f83dfacdd9c4562a35214527d0ffb5d"]$ UtilityManagementPack Utility CoffeeMachines UtilityManagementPack Utility Utility base absctract class Utility ID CoffeeMachine CoffeeMachine inherits from Utility. Purchase Date Model Tea Machine This class inherits from Utility. Property_6 Coffee Models Utility Display Name Display name of the object. Display Name Display name ID Model Purchase Date CoffeeMachines Senseo

9 Coffee Machine Configuration Item 9 1.Create a management pack to store the model in 2.Create classes for the model 3.Add properties to the classes 4.Sealing the management pack containing the data model 5.Import the management pack into Service Manager

10 New Management Pack Improvements SCSM new MP XML schema 1.1 New Data Types New Schema Elements Regular Expressions Auto-Increment Type Projections Management Pack Bundles

11 New Table... Management Pack Deployment Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Views Object Template Views Information Views Information Template Information Template Information New Non-Abstract Class New Non-Abstract Class Management Pack... Information... Information New Column01 New Column02 New Column03

12 Creating an Input Form

13 DEMO Coffee Machine => Configuration Item

14 Coffee Service Desk

15 DEMO Creating the Coffee Service Desk

16 Incident Workflow

17 Customized Incident Template

18 Queues and groups Queues Collection of Workitems Dynamic Inclusion Criteria Groups Collection of CI’s only Dynamic Inclusion criteria Static Membership Exclude Objects and Include other Groups Role Based Security scoping Notification subscription criteria Report filtering

19 DEMO Creating the Incident Workflow

20 Monitoring the Coffee Machines

21 DEMO Automating the coffee machine

22 Change Request CR 123 – Apply Coffee Policy Manager Approval Automated Activity – Sends mail to Facility Department to change the blend Closed

23 Specific Change Request Template

24 Notifications

25 DEMO Creating the Change Request Workflow

26 Wrap-up Easy to create customized CI’s No coding required (unless you really want to ) Build specific workflows Planning is the key

27 Speaker info: please do not delete the slides in this section Show these slides at the end of your session before going to Thank you page.

28 Stay up to date with TechNet Belux Register for our newsletters and stay up to date: Technical updates Event announcements and registration Top downloads Join us on Facebook LinkedIn: Twitter: @technetbelux Download MSDN/TechNet Desktop Gadget

29 TechDays 2011 On-Demand Watch this session on-demand via TechNet Edge Download to your favorite MP3 or video player Get access to slides and recommended resources by the speakers


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