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By Darragh O’ Brien. Irelands Highest Mountains CarrauntoohillMunster1,038m BeenkeraghMunster 1,010m CaharMunster 1,001m Mount Brandon Munster 953m.

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Presentation on theme: "By Darragh O’ Brien. Irelands Highest Mountains CarrauntoohillMunster1,038m BeenkeraghMunster 1,010m CaharMunster 1,001m Mount Brandon Munster 953m."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Darragh O’ Brien

2 Irelands Highest Mountains CarrauntoohillMunster1,038m BeenkeraghMunster 1,010m CaharMunster 1,001m Mount Brandon Munster 953m

3 Where are they? Irelands mountains are found mostly in the coastal counties. This creates an almost bowl-like shape for the island of Ireland. The centre of the bowl is mainly flat surrounded by the mountains.

4 Popular Mountains Croagh Patrick: Every year thousands of people climb Croagh Patrick in county Mayo. People walk this barefoot as a pilgrimage to irelands patron saint Patrick.

5 The Mourne Mountains The Mourne mountains are Irelands most picturesque mountains. They were the inspiration for C.S. Lewis to imagine Narina in his book The Lion, witch and the wardrobe.

6 The Macgillycuddy Reeks The Macgillycuddy Reeks in Co. Kerry is home to the highest point in ireland- Carrauntoohil. On a clear day this peak can be seen for miles around.

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