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RJ Reynolds Parent Forum Proposed High School Schedule Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "RJ Reynolds Parent Forum Proposed High School Schedule Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 RJ Reynolds Parent Forum Proposed High School Schedule Changes

2 Why are we changing schedules? Instructional: test results similar in block and year-long classes, some students had trouble getting the classes they need/want Logistical: Unified schedule did not make transferring between schools easier, 7 periods difficult to schedule Financial: $7 M budget shortfall next year, changing high school schedules can save $1.7- $1.9 M

3 Timeline October 18--parent and teacher task forces meet October 25--teacher task force meets with results from faculty surveys November 1--parent and teacher task forces meet November 15--parent and teacher task forces meet together and vote on recommendation November 23rd--School Board meeting--will discuss schedules (perhaps vote?)

4 What do teachers want? Glenn--92.2% 4 by 4 Career Center-A/B Reagan--about 1/2 and 1/2 West--A/B day, but mixed RJR--about 1/2 and 1/2 East--70% 4 by 4, AP meeting A/B North--75% 4 by 4 Carver--split 50/50 Tabor--few more 4 by 4 Atkins Pre-Eng--either one Atkins Bio-Tech--4 by 4 Atkins Comp Tech-4 by 4 Parkland-50/50, IB meeting A/B

5 What do RJR parents want? No poll/survey results shared for system- wide results First choice--7 period day schedule Second choice--A/B schedule Third choice--8 period day with longer school day Fourth choice--4 by 4 block schedule

6 What do Curriculum Specialists Want? 4 by 4 classes: CTE PE Science? SS? Year long classes: AP/IB Foreign Language Newspaper/Yearbook Math? English? Science? Performing Arts ESL SS?

7 What does the research say? Inconclusive College Board states that year-long classes are better for AP classes and some other curricular areas Some research supports that semester classes are better for at-risk students and remediation Effective teachers are effective in block and year- long--teachers matter

8 What is the Task Force Recommendation? 4 by 4 block schedule Allows AP classes, Foreign Language, Newspaper, Yearbook, Performing Arts, and PE/Lifeskills/Health to meet every other day throughout the year (A/B)

9 What should parents do? If you have concerns, please email the School Board members, Dr. Martin, and Mr. Burleson (addresses at Attend the Parent Advisory Council meeting THURSDAY at 6 Attend the school board meeting with Scheduling on the agenda: November 23rd and December 14th

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