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All of these pictures represent something concerning the U.S. They are my Top 5 in the New York Times’ “Year of Pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "All of these pictures represent something concerning the U.S. They are my Top 5 in the New York Times’ “Year of Pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 All of these pictures represent something concerning the U.S. They are my Top 5 in the New York Times’ “Year of Pictures.

2 I think that this picture represents all of the children, wives, husbands, and parents who watched loved family members go to Iraq and Afghanistan, some never to see each other again.

3 I think this picture represents the thousands of people who are killed each and every year. I think these are the sort of things that we need to stop.

4 This baby was abandoned when U.S. troops stormed a home in Iraq. The parents had fled. The picture represents the thousands of children who are abandoned each year.

5 This picture represents all of the people who are now homeless because of foreclosure. Hundreds of thousands of homes are now foreclosed.

6 I think this represents many people who have lost homes in hurricanes such as Gustav, Ike, or Katrina.

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