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Grading in Physical Education Killingly Intermediate School.

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1 Grading in Physical Education Killingly Intermediate School

2 The Big Picture (Pie)

3 Alternative Assessment (A.A. doc) For students who have come to class prepared with clothing Exceptions ½ changed – loss of point; still participates; doesn’t count as an “offense” ERD – must have appropriate footwear (athletic sneakers) Not changed; no sneakers; refusal to borrow sneakers = automatic 2 nd offense IMPORTANT TO NOTE the list of “offenses” restarts with each sport unit in the case of a short (1 week) sport unit, the short unit will be added to the unit preceding it 1 st offense (coding “NC P”) warning, play as is – lose ¼ points automatically 2 nd offense (coding “NC 1”) not allowed to play must complete 1 st worksheet according to the sport that we are playing 100% on a worksheet counts for 50% of points (2/4) 3 rd offense (coding “NC 2”) -not allowed to play -must complete 2 nd worksheet according to the sport that we are playing -100% on a worksheet counts for 50% of points (2/4) -parent is contacted through email or phone call 4 th offense (coding “NC 3”) student is allowed to play for ¼ points if refusing to play, 0/4 points are earned parent is contacted through email or phone call lunch detention is given to student 5 th offense (coding “NC 4”) student is allowed to play for ¼ points if refusing to play, 0/4 points are earned parent is contacted through email or phone call lunch detention is given to student student is referred to the office

4 90% Daily Point Value Participation/Effort IndicatorsCooperation/Attitude/Sportsmans hip Indicators 1 Preparedness (See A.A. doc) Neglects to participate Uncooperative Disregard for others Argues, whines, complains Unsportsmanlike conduct 2 Preparedness (See A.A. doc) Inconsistent participation Goes through the motions with little effort Sometimes cooperative Works with others if prompted Shows some enthusiasm Sportsmanship during direct supervision 3 Preparedness (See A.A. doc) Late to class Occasional “lapses” in effort Willing to participate with minor prompting from teacher Usually cooperative Usually works well with others Often enthusiastic and positive Often behaves with sportsmanship 4 On time and in place for attendance 100% effort throughout the class Consistently stays on task even without direct supervision Always cooperative Genuine concern for others Always enthusiastic and positive Exemplifies sportsmanship even without direct supervision

5 10% 10% of the student’s grade will be based upon the student’s knowledge, skill, or technique within the confines of the game/sport. The 10% will be determined by an assessment that will take place near the end of a sport unit. Every teacher may calculate grades differently, however, “The Big Picture” stays the same: 90% for participation, effort, cooperation, attitude, and sportsmanship; 10% for knowledge, skill, and/or technique.

6 Example Volleyball Unit for 10 Days = total of 40 points available Nam e Days Absent “90%” Points Available “90%” Points Earned “90%” Grade “10%” Points Available “10%” Points Earned “10%” Grade TOTAL GRADE A.B.2323197%401025%90% J.T.0403075%40 100%78%

7 Coding (teacher use only) Participation/EffortCooperation/Attitude /Sportsmanship Codes and Description NC –not changed P – 1 st offense 1 – 2 nd offense 2 – 3 rd offense 3 – 4 th offense 4 – 5 th offense LE – lack of effort WU – lack of effort during warm-up DNP – did not participate UB – unsporting behavior DR – disrespectful to others

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