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Marketing 547 Post-Purchase Processes (and Consumer Satisfaction)

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1 Marketing 547 Post-Purchase Processes (and Consumer Satisfaction)

2 Customer Satisfaction The Post-Acquisition Process (Involves)  Usage/Consumption -- Is it always as was expected?  Consumer (Dis)satisfaction  Product Disposition -- keep, get rid of it permanently, get rid of temporarily Marketing Issues - e.g., resale value Societal Issues - e.g., solid waste problem

3 Customer Satisfaction Consumer (Dis)satisfaction  Definition -- post-consumption evaluation that a chosen alternative at least meets or exceeds expectations Alternative -- the attitude formed to a good or service as a result of its purchase (and usage)

4 Customer Satisfaction Consumer (Dis)satisfaction (Cont.)  The Traditional View -- Expectancy (Dis)confirmation Exposure to and/or usage of Product over time yields a belief-- Expectations of How a Brand Should Perform Usage or trial of a particular brand yields a belief -- Evaluation of Brand Performance Comparison of brand performance to expectations - Evaluation of Discrepancy Between Expectations and Performance

5 Customer Satisfaction If Expectations > Perceived Brand Performance -- Dissatisfaction If Expectations = Perceived Brand Performance -- Cognitive Satisfaction If Expectations < Perceived Brand Performance -- Cognitive & Emotional Satisfaction

6 Customer Satisfaction Factors influencing the (Dis)satisfaction process  Factors influencing expectations Brand Factors (e.g., physical characteristics, price) Promotional Factors (e.g., ad promises) Other brands (e.g., product norms) Consumer characteristics (involvement, i.e., latitudes of acceptance)

7 Customer Satisfaction Factors influencing the (dis)satisfaction process (Cont.)  Factors influencing perceptions of performance Prior attitudes toward brand Expectations  Managerial Implications Listen to consumers (what are expectations) Don’t over promise with promotions Stay in contact with consumers after purchase

8 Consumer Satisfaction Other Views:  Equity Theory (i.e., “Consumer Ripoff Theory) Consumers will analyze the ratio of their outcomes and inputs to the ratio of outcomes and inputs of the firm Thus, they compare  Outcomes of C/ Input of C to  Outcomes of Firm/ Input of Firm Where  Outcome of C -- performance of brand  Input of C -- money paid by C  Outcome of Firm -- revenue  Input of Firm -- cost of goods ~ =

9 Consumer Satisfaction  Attribution Theory Concerned with how people identify causes ( such as product performance) If a brand fails to meet expectations, to whom (or what ) does the consumer attribute this to?  Situation Factors?  The consumer herself/himself?  The brand quality?

10 Consumer Satisfaction Summary of Factors Influencing Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction  Expectation disconfirmation Factors influencing expectations  Characteristics of the product  Promotional factors  Characteristics of the consumer Factors influencing perception of actual performance  Equity Perceptions  Attributions of causality  Actual product performance  Consumer’s affective state

11 Consumer Satisfaction Implications  Most important factor -- brand performance  Quality control is important at every phase  Service after sale may allow attributions to alter dissatisfied C’s  Consumer contact (research) -- are you being treated equitably

12 Consumer Satisfaction Dissatisfied Consumer Responses  Private Action --mental note, “Never Again!”  Public Action -- Engage in Negative WOMC  Governmental Action

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