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What we will do today: Introduce the new topic on Electronic Components. Identify the three main parts of any electronic system. Give examples of output.

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Presentation on theme: "What we will do today: Introduce the new topic on Electronic Components. Identify the three main parts of any electronic system. Give examples of output."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we will do today: Introduce the new topic on Electronic Components. Identify the three main parts of any electronic system. Give examples of output devices and the energy transformations involved.

2 Electronic systems Any electronic system is made up of three parts: Input  Process  Output

3 Output devices An output device in an electronic circuit transforms electrical energy into some other form of useful energy.

4 Output devices Output Device Energy transformation Use LoudspeakerElectrical  LEDElectrical  LampElectrical  RelayElectrical 

5 The Relay Digital device operated by an electromagnet. Changes electrical energy into kinetic energy. Allows an operator to use a switch on a low voltage, low current circuit to turn on machinery in a high voltage and/or high current circuit. E.g. Used in car starter motors or when handling nuclear control rods. S

6 Capacitors CAPACITORS are devices which can store charge. The ability of a device to store charge is called its capacitance. A capacitor is two conducting layers separated by an insulator. Circuit symbol:

7 What have we learned? We can state that any electronic system is made up an input, a process and an output. We can describe the energy changes in output devices.

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