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Classroom Corrections Punishment Reinforcements Common Problems Problem Solving FERBS Chronic Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Corrections Punishment Reinforcements Common Problems Problem Solving FERBS Chronic Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Corrections Punishment Reinforcements Common Problems Problem Solving FERBS Chronic Problems

2 Continuum of Correction Ignore Non-Verbal Prompts Verbal Prompts Corrective Strategies Guided Self Correction Corrective Teaching Office Referral Note that threats are not listed- threats give away a teacher’s authority

3 Punishment Creates over- reporting Unequal treatment Usually ineffective Creates sneakier behavior Does not teach what should be done

4 Punishment is not punishing unless it decreases behavior!

5 Reinforcements  Praise  Tangibles  Activities  Individualized (recess can be a punishment)  Increases the desired behavior  Fade out to intermittent schedule

6 Common Problems  Engages in power struggle  Too quick to send to office (I can’t deal with you)  Takes student behavior personally (Learned but not aware--- babies- Walmart-math)  Wait until frazzled B4 asking 4 help  Resistant to new ideas  No objective person has observed  No function identified. See next slide

7 Problem Solving ABC observation  Antecedent  Behavior  Consequence Best done by an outside/objective person

8 FERBS Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behaviors  Must give same outcome as original behavior Andy and Spidey info  Worry about behavior then the academics Andy and multiplication  Should be as easy or easier than problem Bx Break card versus Violence  Antecedent manipulation- (not FERB) Mechanical pencil replacement

9 Chronic Problems? Involve the school psychologist  Ton of resources  Has access to appropriate key players  Can be objective  Knows ABC and BSP process

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