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B efore Pearl Harbor: L end Lease, Panay Incident, Oil/Iron Embargo, Cash and Carry, Atlantic Convoys, US Marines in Iceland N icholas Oliveira.

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Presentation on theme: "B efore Pearl Harbor: L end Lease, Panay Incident, Oil/Iron Embargo, Cash and Carry, Atlantic Convoys, US Marines in Iceland N icholas Oliveira."— Presentation transcript:

1 B efore Pearl Harbor: L end Lease, Panay Incident, Oil/Iron Embargo, Cash and Carry, Atlantic Convoys, US Marines in Iceland N icholas Oliveira

2 Lend Lease & Panay Incident -American bill signed by Roosevelt to deliver military supplies to other allied powers across the world -A Japanese sub sinks an American gunboat in China; the Japanese say its was a mistake, apologize and pay for damages

3 Oil/Iron Embargos -US embargoes Japanese import of oil and iron in response to their aggression in Asia -Angers Japan which partially relied on American oil and iron -Impedes Japanese ability to fight but draws them closer to war with US

4 Cash and Carry & Atlantic Conveys -New American policy requested by Roosevelt which replace the neutrality act by allowing provision of arms to allied powers -A system of traveling across the Atlantic for unarmed merchant ships carrying military equipment in order to evade German U-boats

5 Invasion of Iceland -Allies invade and occupy Iceland which was officially neutral in order to prevent the possibility of an Axis invasion of North America through the north sea -Despite limited protests the island was taken quickly, without loss of life and in a matter of days

6 3 Questions How did the American oil/iron embargo impact the possibility of war in the Pacific? What made a convoy system for crossing the Atlantic necessary? What military possibility was the allied invasion of Iceland intended to prevent?

7 Sources

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