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Presentation on theme: "TEAMS-ETHICS-ACCESS CONSIDERING COMMUNICATION MODELS."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA Discuss Ethics & Ethical Dilemmas Discuss Copyright Issues Watch & discuss... Personal Ethics Statement Team building activity (if time permits) Next time…


4 KEY DEFINITIONS Ethics— “systems of moral, social, or cultural values that govern the conduct of an individual or community” (TCT, 69). Ethical dilemma— “a choice among two or more unsatisfactory courses of action” (TCT, 69).

5 SOURCES OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR Personal Ethics— “Values derived from family, culture, & faith.” Social Ethics— “Values derived from constitutional, legal, utilitarian, and caring sources.” Rights (civil & constitutional) Justice (laws and corporate policies) Utilitarianism (greatest good—majority rules) Care (tolerance and compassion) (TCT, 75) Conservation Ethics— “Values that protect and preserve the ecosystem in which we live” (TCT, 72).

6 ETHICAL DILEMMAS To resolve an ethical dilemma find the point of “ethical tension”—the point where two or more ethical stances are incompatible. Product liability is one example where these kinds of conflicts can occur.

7 STEPS TO RESOLUTION Ask yourself these questions as you work through an ethical dilemma: Do any laws or rules govern my decision? Do any corporate or professional codes of ethics offer guidelines? Are there any historical records from which to learn? What do my colleagues think? What would moral leaders do? Then, choose to make an informed decision.

8 HOW IS ETHICAL BEHAVIOR DETERMINED? Read “A Framework for Thinking Ethically” Read “General Guidelines” for Technical Writing nes.htm nes.htm Consider the basis or framework for your own personal ethics statement.

9 DISCUSSION ACTIVITY Read “The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics” Discuss & critique these commandments using what you’ve learned about ethics thus far from the textbook and other resources, as well as your own experience with using computers. Make a list of any exceptions you can think of to the codes and any ethical considerations you think have been left out.

10 OTHER ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS Sometimes, you will need to communicate legal rights and duties as they relate to your subject. Every attempt should be made to eliminate ambiguous or confusing legal jargon. Confidentiality ensures frankness from sources regarding primary information obtained through surveys etc. Ethical communication involves giving credit to others’ ideas as well as gaining permission to use someone else’s ideas or work.


12 LAWS GOVERNING USE OF INFORMATION According to copyright law, “materials...owned by the people who wrote or produced them” are protected from unauthorized use. Copyright law is based upon the US Constitution... The Constitutional Provision Respecting Copyright The Congress shall have Power... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8

13 TRADEMARKS & PATENTS Trademarks are a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. Usually the trademark is signaled by the TM symbol. Trademarks may be registered at the US Patent & Trademark Office. Registered Trademarks become the exclusive property of the trademark’s owner.

14 TRADEMARKS & PATENTS “Patents are intellectual property rights granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor... to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted.”

15 COPYRIGHT LAW & TECH COMM Consider how issues of copyright law can affect technical communication. Watch this video link... Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University created this humorous, yet informative, review of copyright principles delivered through the words of the very folks we can thank for nearly endless copyright terms. What is the Fair Use Clause?

16 ETHICAL DILEMMA ACTIVITY Read p. 92 in TCT Do some research on the Internet about RFIDs. Discuss with 3-4 other class members. What ethical issues are in conflict here? How would you respond to this situation?

17 NEXT TIME…FOR F2F 314 Write Personal Ethics Statement Bring draft to class for peer editing Final draft due Sun., Sept 15 submitted to Moodle Read Sam Dragga’s “Is This Ethical?” Read Alicia McBride’s “Towards a Sense of Ethics for Technical Communication”

18 NEXT TIME…FOR ONLINE 314 Write Personal Ethics Statement Use the Writing & Media Center or find someone to give you feedback on your ethics statement. Final draft of Personal Ethics Statement is due Sun., Sept 15 submitted to Moodle Read Sam Dragga’s “Is This Ethical?” Read Alicia McBride’s “Towards a Sense of Ethics for Technical Communication”


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