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Discrete robot synchronization using Semantic Web CONNECT TO THE REALITY CMPE583, Behnam Rahnama Under supervision of professor A.ELÇİ Department of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Discrete robot synchronization using Semantic Web CONNECT TO THE REALITY CMPE583, Behnam Rahnama Under supervision of professor A.ELÇİ Department of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discrete robot synchronization using Semantic Web CONNECT TO THE REALITY CMPE583, Behnam Rahnama Under supervision of professor A.ELÇİ Department of Computer Engineering Eastern Mediterranean University October 21, 2004

2 Table of Contents Brief Explanation Synchronization of Robots Centralized Infrastructure Decentralized Infrastructure Semantic Web as the Saver or Neo Points of Usage Conclusion References

3 Brief Explanation Autonomous Agent Vehicles have made the jobs more much easier in comparison of legacy and disoriented conveys These robot agents need to cooperate each other to work in a better situation, like omitting accidents and etc. Unfortunately the AGV are not using an artificial intelligent backbone by heart and they just obey the structure which is designed and developed for them

4 Synchronization of Robots Centralized Infrastructure All the robots are connected to the central server computer who is responsible to control and command them as a planner. Furthermore robots has no possibility to do any work without informing server. Decentralized Infrastructure Our real life needs the human being workers in such a way that they can think independently and maybe they discuss about a problem manually without mentioning the server or the system which is responsible of sending commands.

5 Semantic Web as the Saver or Neo Robots are working separately but using the shared memory to log their status for informing the others. This shared memory can be elegant as a Semantic Web. All the agents connect to the WS and they try to solve the problems using categorized and well designed information developed by the other nodes as a Knowledge base management system.

6 Points of Usage Factory implementing line as it is mentioned before, needs some facility to use the entrance materials which have been carried by AGV and also for its departure. The opinion is sending the request to the WS and tells “I need to send this part to the destination location” AGV try to find the best solution like shortest path or haw much capacity it needs or etc.

7 Conclusion Discrete infrastructure for robotics is the base of the new machinery life Robots can work as agents and with this point of view we will “connect to the reality” Agents can cooperate better and more elegance like human being agents solely using WS Agents can think, learn or discuss independently

8 References Semantic Web by W3C Organization Dynamic discovery and coordination of agent-based semantic Web services Sycara, K.; Paolucci, M.; Soudry, J.; Naveen Srinivasan; Internet Computing, IEEE, Volume: 8, Issue: 3, May-Jun 2004 Pages:66 – 73 Modeling and deadlock control of automated guided vehicle systems Naiqi Wu; MengChu Zhou; Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, March 2004 Pages:50 - 57

9 Any question are welcome Thank you

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