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ABC’s for a meaningful life ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace be upon him) ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace.

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Presentation on theme: "ABC’s for a meaningful life ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace be upon him) ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC’s for a meaningful life ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace be upon him) ( based on the teaching’s of prophet Muhammed ( pbuh…peace be upon him)

2 GENERAL Taqwa ( god consciousness) is what you do when no one is watching. The best profession of faith is good character. Be good to you relatives even if they cut you off. Watch your thoughts, it becomes your words. Watch your words, it becomes your actions. Watch your actions, it becomes your habits. Watch your habits, it becomes your character, that’s you. Be mindful of what you say to others. If you want Paradise, love for others what you love for yourself.

3 1. Be just, give to others all the rights you claim for yourself. 2. Ask god, Oh Allah (Arabic word for Almighty God) make me see things as they really are, not what they appear to be.

4 Be mindful of Allah at all times & places. Do not indulge in gossip (fasaad) vain talk, mockery (calling by nick names) back biting, slander or accuse a righteous woman without sufficient proof. You can attain Allah's pleasure by helping the poor, doing charitable deeds or just by making life easy for people around you, like removing obstacles on the road etc.,

5 Be mindful of Allah at all times & places. Do not indulge in gossip (fasaad) vain talk, mockery (calling by nick names) back biting, slander or accuse a righteous woman without sufficient proof.

6 You can attain Allah's pleasure by helping the poor, doing charitable deeds or just by making life easy for people around you, like removing obstacles on the road, etc., Don't believe in horoscope or related activities as its one of the major forms of sin (shirk).

7 Respect other religions & Sects, don’t fight or insult them. Always put your 100% effort, leave the rest to Allah & accept the result by saying "Alhamdulillah“ (Praise be to Allah), immaterial of it being negative for Allah saves it for the better. Allah is always with those who are patient, do righteous deeds, gives charity and spreads the religion. We should be like a mirror to each other, reflecting the positives & negatives to that particular person only & not to anyone else.

8 Never compare yourself who is in a better position than you in terms of health & wealth, but always look at someone below & thank Allah. Don't go to sleep with your stomach full when your neighbour is starving. Allah doesn't test us more than our capacity. To smile is a Sadaka (charity). Visit the sick. Don't live your life to impress others. Right is right when even if no one’s doing it, wrong is wrong when even if everyone’s doing it. It is not great to be right when everybody is right, but it is a big deal to be right when everybody else is wrong.

9 A man with knowledge is unfit to be a slave. Don't buy things you don't need, with money you don't have, to impress people you don't like. (e.g. buying things on credit cards, loans etc) Allah has created Night for sleep & Day for outdoor activities.

10 SPIRITUAL Say “Salaams” (Peace) to one another as much as possible. Ask dua (Supplicate) to Allah for anything that's halal (permitted) as the Prophet (pbuh) did so even for his torn footwear. Righteous women & men should lower their gaze so as to avoid unnecessary bad thoughts, if such thoughts can't be controlled, its better to marry & if he doesn't have the means, then let him fast. Say Salawaath (blessings on the Prophet) whenever his name is mentioned, as the one who doesn't do it is the worst of the misers. Practice Halal (permitted) and haraam (forbidden) strictly & avoid whichever is doubtful. Grow the beard and trim the moustache. It is good to sleep lying down on your right side facing the Qibla Reciting after prayer Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah) 33 times, Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) 33times and Allah Akbar (Allah the greatest) 34 times is as good as or even better than a wealthy person's charitable deed..

11 Say Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) after sneezing (logic behind is that your entire system shuts down & restarts) & yerhamkallah (May the mercy of Allah be on you) when replying. Try to understand the Quran's meaning and practice it in real life by following Prophet's (PBUH) examples i.e., the sunnahs. You know that your prayers are being answered when tears roll down when you supplicate (ask). Rewards (Thawaab) on intention (Niyyath) and action.1 good niyyath =1thawab, If implemented = 10 to more than 700 thawabs. 1 bad intention = no sin, If implemented = 1 sin, if not implemented = 10 to more than 700 thawaabs. You get 27 times more thawaab if you pray in jamaat(congregation).

12 Idle mind is devil's workshop, so keep yourself occupied with good deeds like remembering Allah (Dhikr) with His many names or glorifying Allah saying 'Subhanallahi wabihamdihi subhanallahil adheem (Glory & Praise be to the Almighty, Exalted is He). Remain in the state of ablution at all time as much as possible. Accept the invitation of a poor Muslim & go to his home when he calls you for a Feast. Begin your good activities with your right hand, saying bismillah (in the name of Allah).

13 FOOD & HEALTH Don't waste food as Baraka (blessing) lies in every bit of it, starting with bismillah. While eating try to fill your stomach with 1/3 food, 1/3 water & leave 1/3 empty. Cleanse yourself by purifying your thoughts, cleansing your heart, brushing your teeth, clipping nails, removing armpit & pubic hair, taking a clean bath, washing up after natures call (preferably sitting down).

14 FAMILY LIFE Gaining a good name from a righteous spouse is a sign of a good Muslim. A Muslim can choose his spouse for (a) knowledge (b). Beauty (c) Family background & (d) Piety. This piety in Islam is the best. When you have two or more female children & bring them up righteously, the distance between you & the Prophet (pbuh) in heaven will be that between your two fingers. Respect your parents and don't insult or hurt them. Consummating a marital relationship is an act of charity, as adultery/fornication/related activities become haram & a great sin. The Prophet (pbuh) set us an example by helping in the household chores.

15 BUSINESS LIFE You can attain Allah's pleasure by dealing honestly without adulterating, being fair in your weights& measures (of your merchandise) & satisfying your customer in a halal way. In regard to debt, Allah doesn't forgive you as long as the person who has loaned to you doesn't forgive you. Give 2.5% Zakaat (compulsory Charity) on your savings & a maximum of33.3% Sadaqa (optional charity) of your wealth so as to cleanse & safeguard your property & belongings

16 EASING THE JOURNEY TO HEAVEN (As advised by prophet pbuh) Only three things come with us after we die. They are as follows: Knowledge that we leave behind, such as sharing good information-as long as people keep benefiting from it, we keep getting the reward for it. Continuous Charity (sadaqathul jaaria) whether it be to build a hospital, mosque, school, bridge or even donating a steel tumbler to an orphanage (you will be rewarded as long as people drink from it) Prayers of your righteous offspring.

17 Questions asked in the qabr (grave) are as following: 1.Who is your Lord? (Allah, the Almighty) 2.What is your religion? (Islam) 3.Who is your Prophet? (Muhammad pbuh) May the Almighty Allah forgive our sins, reward us in this world &hereafter making easy for us to follow the Prophet (pbuh)'s Sunnahs &…. Aameen!!!

18 For more information check the following links:

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