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Nominative and Accusative. Nouns Case: All packed with somewhere to go Subject That which does the action of the verb Direct Object That which is directly.

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Presentation on theme: "Nominative and Accusative. Nouns Case: All packed with somewhere to go Subject That which does the action of the verb Direct Object That which is directly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nominative and Accusative

2 Nouns Case: All packed with somewhere to go Subject That which does the action of the verb Direct Object That which is directly affected by the action of the verb

3 Trouble understanding Yoda you have, yes?

4 Mark 2:10. i[na de. eivdh/te o[ti evxousi,an e;cei o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou avfie,nai a`marti,aj evpi. th/j gh/j& le,gei tw/| paralutikw/|\ Mark 2:10. “But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” -- He said to the paralytic--

5 Case Nominative Accusative Subject Function Direct Object The brother sees the apostle Example The brother sees the apostle o` avdelfoj blepei ton avpostelon ton avpostelon o` avdelfoj blepei blepei o` avdelfoj ton avpostelon

6 avposteloj Stem + avpostel o Stem j Case ending

7 avpostel oj Gender MasculineFeminineNeuter doxa grafh e;rgon 2 nd Declension1 st Declension 3 rd Declension

8 j Nominative & Accusative Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter &n Acc Sng nn i Nom Pl ia Acc Pl ujj n a

9 logoj Nominative & Accusative Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter grafhe;rgon Acc Sng logongrafhn logoi Nom Pl grafaie;rga Acc Pl logoujgrafaj e;rgon e;rga

10 o` Definite Article Nom Sng MasculineFeminineNeuter h`to, Acc Sng to,nth,,n oi` Nom Pl ai`ta, Acc Pl tou,jta,j to, ta,

11 o` logoj Nouns & their Definite Articles MasculineFeminineNeuter h` grafhto, e;rgon Acc Sng to.n logonth.n grafhn oi` logoi Nom Pl ai` grafaita. e;rga Acc Pl tou.j logouj ta.j grafaj to, e;rgon ta. e;rga Nom Sng

12 `vEa;.n pi,stin le,gh| tij e;cein( e;rga de. mh. e;ch|È Mh. du,natai h` pi,stij sw/sai auvto,n If a man says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? (James 2:14)

13 Th/| ga.r ca,riti, evste sesw|sme,noi dia. pi,stewj\ kai. tou/to ouvk evx u`mw/n( qeou/ to. dw/ron\ For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).


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