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Conception to Delivery.  Cell multiplication begins  Egg attaches to the uterus lining  Fetal internal organs and circulatory system begins to form.

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Presentation on theme: "Conception to Delivery.  Cell multiplication begins  Egg attaches to the uterus lining  Fetal internal organs and circulatory system begins to form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conception to Delivery

2  Cell multiplication begins  Egg attaches to the uterus lining  Fetal internal organs and circulatory system begins to form  Heart begins to beat  Small bumps show the beginnings of arms and legs



5 Poppy seed Yolk sac: provides nourishment to the developing embryo

6 Apple seed Amniotic sac: a fluid filled sac that cushions and protects the developing baby

7 Sweet pea Placenta: connection between the baby and the mother; embryo's blood is located next to the mother’s blood vessels (the blood does not mix); the embryo receives nutrients & oxygen and gives off CO 2 & other wastes

8 Blueberry Umbilical cord: rope like structure between the fetus and the placenta; contains blood vessels from mother and baby (blood vessels separated by a thin barrier)

9  5 weeks- embryo is ¼ inch long  Face, eyes, ears, and limbs take shape  Bones begin to form  Development of internal organs

10 Blackberry

11 Kumquat

12 Strawberry

13 Lime

14 Plum

15  Fetus is about 1 inch long  Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form.  Fingers and toes are almost complete  All organs are present, but immature  Eyelids are fused

16 Peach

17 Lemon

18 Avocado

19 Orange

20  Fetus is 3 inches long  Fetus weighs about 1 oz  Can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move  Facial features are clearer

21 Onion

22 Mango

23 Sweet potato

24 Eggplant

25  Fetus is 8-10 inches long  Fetus weighs 4-5 oz  Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear  Teeth continue to develop  Organs keep maturing  Fetus is more active  Lanugo (fine hair) develops

26 Coconut



29 Squash

30  Fetus is 8-10 inches long  Fetus weighs about 8-12 oz  Fat is depositing under the skin  Fetus looks wrinkled  Breathing begins




34 Cantaloupe


36  Fetus is 10-12 inches long  Fetus weighs about 1 ½ -2 pounds  Fetus is active, then rests  Eyelids separate  Vernix (skin coating)  develops



39 Pineapple


41  Fetus is 14-16 inches long  Fetus weighs 2 ½ - 3 pounds  Fetus may react to noises with a jerking action  Fetus has moved to head down position



44 Papaya


46  Fetus is about 17-18 inches long  Fetus weighs 5-6 pounds, but weight gain continues  Fetal movements are slowed due to lack of room  Disease-fighting antibodies are taken from the mother’s blood  Fetus descends into pelvis and is ready for birth




50 Watermelon

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