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The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 I. The Setting: Contextual Considerations From v.11, who are “they” and to what things had they been listening.

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2 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 I. The Setting: Contextual Considerations From v.11, who are “they” and to what things had they been listening ? What two reasons does Luke give for the telling of this particular parable? Is this parable the same as that of The Talents in Matt.25:14-30?

3 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 I. The Setting: Contextual Considerations Contrast these two parables (Talents/Minas) regarding Time, Location, and Point(s) of Emphasis. II. The Elements: (the earthly story) What is a “mina” or “pound” and what is it worth?

4 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 II. The Elements: (the earthly story) What did the nobleman go to a distant country to receive? What does this mean- why would it be necessary? Before he left, what did he instruct ten of his servants to do?

5 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 II. The Elements: (the earthly story) While he was gone, who decided they hated him and why? It is worthy of note that Archelaus, the son of Herod, actually did what Jesus suggests by parable. When his father died, Archelaus board a ship and headed to Rome to obtain the sanction of Caesar. The Jews were, however, tired of the rule of the Herods and also petitioned Rome stating that they would not submit to Archelaus. He was appointed anyway. His father, Herod the Great, had done the same thing as did Agrippa who followed him on the throne of Israel. Thus Jesus is utlizing a very familiar earthly story to teach His spiritual truth.

6 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 II. The Elements: (the earthly story) When the nobleman returned, what did he want to know with regard to his servants? What were the results of his inquiry? What rewards did he dispense to the first two servants and on what basis were they given? What reward was given to the third servant?

7 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 II. The Elements: (the earthly story) What about the other seven servants? What happened to them? How were the “citizens” (enemies) rewarded?

8 The Parable of The Minas/Pounds, Luke 19:11-27 III. The Application: (the heavenly meaning) What do each of the following represent: -the Nobleman? -the Servants? -the Citizens? Given the context, what is the meaning of the parable to the primary audience? How should we apply the parable to ourselves?

9 Our next study will be, The Parable of The Friend at Midnight Luke 11:1-13

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