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Alexander the Great Son of Phillip II, the king of Macedonia, who had conquered Greece Alexander conquered the Persians and established an empire from.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander the Great Son of Phillip II, the king of Macedonia, who had conquered Greece Alexander conquered the Persians and established an empire from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander the Great Son of Phillip II, the king of Macedonia, who had conquered Greece Alexander conquered the Persians and established an empire from Greece to Egypt and up to the edge of India He adopted Greek culture and spread Hellenism throughout his empire This Hellenistic Age lasts until the conquest 0f the Roman Empire


3 Hellenistic Culture It is the blend of Greek culture, with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian influences

4 Alexandria An Egyptian city, which was the center for trade and Hellenistic culture This city became an international community with a mix of customs and traditions

5 Ancient Library of Alexandria Contained a collection of 500,000 papyrus scrolls and masterpieces of ancient literature Was the first true research library in the world, where scholars produced commentaries on ancient works of literature

6 Astronomy Aristarchus estimated that the sun was 300 times bigger than the Earth, and that the sun was the center of the universe Nobody accepted this theory, but instead they thought the Earth was the center of the universe

7 Philosophy Schools of Thought 1.Stoicism The belief that there was a divine power that controlled the universe Believed everyone should live in harmony with natural law Involvement in politics, not for personal gain, but to perform virtuous acts for the good of all True happiness is found in great achievements 2.Epicureanism Universe was made of atoms and ruled by gods who didn’t care about humans Avoid pain and seek pleasure – all excess leads to pain

8 Exit Ticket: How did the empire of Alexander the Great establish a basis for the spread of Hellenistic culture?

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