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Evidence of Evolution Unit 3-4 Notes Mr. Hefti – Pulaski Biology.

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1 Evidence of Evolution Unit 3-4 Notes Mr. Hefti – Pulaski Biology

2 Here are 6 of the most compelling forms…

3 1. Fossils Most complete form of evidence Sedimentary rocks form layers that preserve outlines or remains of organisms for millions of years


5 Sediment layers preserve order


7 Horse evolution as told by fossil record

8 2. Geographic distribution of organisms Organisms have specific environmental requirements Some organisms possess limited ranges

9 3. Comparative anatomy features A. Homologous structures - Similar structures that serve different functions

10 3. Comparative anatomy features B. Analogous structures - Different structures that serve the same functions

11 3. Comparative anatomy features C. Vestigial structures - Structures that now serve no apparent function (but did at one time)

12 4. Similarities in embryonic development All vertebrate organisms look very “tadpole-like” early on in their development due to a common set of genes controlling early development - Homeobox genes

13 5. DNA similarities All living things possess DNA that carries their genetic code Unicellular bacteria and multicellular trees possess unique combinations of A, T, C, and G

14 6. CHON All living things include these 4 elements: –Carbon –Hydrogen –Oxygen –Nitrogen




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