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Midterm Wed. 14 50 minutes 2 rooms for writing, come to 200 and TAs will direct TA invigilating Includes: –Course lecture material up to this lecture –Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Wed. 14 50 minutes 2 rooms for writing, come to 200 and TAs will direct TA invigilating Includes: –Course lecture material up to this lecture –Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Wed. 14 50 minutes 2 rooms for writing, come to 200 and TAs will direct TA invigilating Includes: –Course lecture material up to this lecture –Review lab 1 and 2: process questions not specific command syntax –Use textbook to supplement lectures, no content just from textbook (UK projection info for example) Format: Short answer 1

2 Spatial Data Entry Textbook: Chapter 5

3 Learning Objectives c) Describe Spatial Data Input List and explain methods for entering spatial data (coordinates) into the GIS: –digitizing, –scanning, –Global Positioning Systems (GPS), –conversion software, –survey instruments

4 Spatial Data Entry Step 1: Database Design Document Step 2: Find Data Step 3: Input data into the computer Step 4: Spatial data editing and manipulation Step 5: Spatial data model verification

5 Step 1: Database Design Document Spatial Data layers

6 Step 2: Find Data Be careful…. Quality, screen shots vs. real data

7 Step 3: Input data Data Conversion File Transfer (Web data) –BC TRIM data (maps BC)


9 Theodolite Surveying / COGO

10 Digitizing Points Lines polygons

11 Air Photo On screen digitizing

12 Scanning

13 Keyboard Entry


15 Step 4: Spatial Data Editing and Manipulation a.topology verification b.project / transform c.edgematching d.rubber sheeting / geo-referencing

16 a) Topology verification: errors Undershoots overshoots duplicate labels No labels Pseudo nodes

17 a) Topology verification: fixed Extend Undershoot clip overshoots delete duplicate labels Add label Delete Pseudo nodes

18 b) Project Transform Project from one projection to another –Albers Equal area to Lambert Conformal Transform –digitizing coordinates to real world coordinates, –NAD27-NAD8

19 c) Edgematching

20 d) Geo-referencing (rubber sheeting) Taking historic airphoto and accurate city streets: making them fit

21 Step 5: Spatial Data Verified


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