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Shrimp Farming and the Impacts on mangrove forests.

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1 Shrimp Farming and the Impacts on mangrove forests

2 Mangroves Approximately 240,000 km 2 Found between latitudes 25 0 N and S More than half found in between latitudes 0 0 and 10 0 N and S Non-freezing regions Where waves aren’t too strong

3 Shrimp Farming 1-1.5 million ha used for shrimp farming Thailand largest shrimp producer in world (aquaculture) Thailand used approx. 60,000 ha in 1999 In 2001 855,500 metric tons of shrimp were produced using aquaculture In 2000 a total of over 4 million metric tons were produced using both methods. It’s estimated that the maximum sustainable yield in the oceans is 1.6 to 2.2 million metric tons



6 Impacts on the environment Eutrophication Algal blooms Fish kill offs Loss of mangroves Release of diseases

7 Improvements in the industry Lots of research Restoring mangroves Regulations Moving farms inland?

8 Benefits of Shrimp Farming Relieves pressure off the oceans maximum sustainability Provides a food commodity for communities

9 Bibliography Barbier, E. B. 2003. Habitat-fishery Linkages and Mangrove Loss in Thailand. Contemporary Economic Policy v21 i1 p59(19). Burford, M.A., Costanzo, S.D., Dennison, W.C., Jackson, C.J., Jones, A.B., McKinnon, A.D., Preston, N.P., Trott, L.A. 2003. A Synthesis of Dominant Ecological Processes in Intensive Shrimp Ponds and Adjacent Coastal Environments in NE Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, xxx, xxx-xxx. Gautier, D., Amador, J., Newmark, F. 2001. The Use of Mangrove Wetland and a biofilter to shrimp pond effluents: preliminary results of an experiment on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Aquaculture Research, Vol. 32, p. 787-799. Lebel, L., Tri, N.H., Saengnoree, A., Pasong, S., Buatama, U., Thoa, L.K. 2002. Industrial Transformation and Shrimp Aquaculture in Thailand and Vietnam: Pathways to Ecological, Social, and Economic Sustainability? Ambio Vol.31 No. 4, p. 311-323. McKinnon, A D., Trott, L.A., Alongi, D.M., Davidson, A. 2002. Water Column Production and Nutrient Characteristics in Mangrove Creeks receiving Shrimp Farm Effluent. Aquaculture Research, Vol. 33, p. 55-73. Mitch, W.J., Gosselink, J.G. 2000. Wetlands, Third Edition, Chap. 11, pp.335-337. Paez-Osuna, F. 2001. The Environmental Impact of Shrimp Aquaculture: Causes, Effects, and Mitigating Alternatives. Environmental Management Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 131-140. Paez-Osuna, F., Gracia, A., Flores-Verduga, F., Lyle-Fritch, L.P., Alonso-Rodrigues, R., Roque, A., Ruiz-Fernandez, A.C. 2003. Shrimp Aquaculture Development and the Environment in the Gulf of California Ecoregion. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 46, p. 806-815. Paez-Osuna, F., Guerrero-Galvan, S.R., Ruiz-Fernandez, A.C. 1999. Discharge of Nutrients from Shrimp Farming to Coastal Waters of the Gulf of California. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 585-592. Toledo, G., Rojas, A., Bashan, Y. 2001. Monitoring of Black Mangrove Restoration with Nursery- reared Seedlings on an Arid Coastal Lagoon. Hydrobiologia 444: 101-109.

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