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“El Abrazo” Gonzales Camarena Objective: Understand the lasting effects of the Spanish Conquest of the.

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1 “El Abrazo” Gonzales Camarena Objective: Understand the lasting effects of the Spanish Conquest of the Americas HW: 2.2

2 Objective: Compare and Contrast Colonial Development in English, French and Spanish colonies HW: 2.2

3 What factors were behind European exploration of the Americas?

4 Map: Europe and Its Neighbors, c. 1000 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

5 Map: Europe, Africa, and Southwestern Asia in 1500 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

6 Map: Atlantic Winds and Islands Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

7 Map: Major Transatlantic Explorations, 1000-1587 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

8 “El Abrazo” Gonzales Camarena

9 Map: Major Mesoamerican Cultures, c. 1000 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

10 Hernan Cortes Secured Cuba –Landed in Mexico 1519 –Learned of the great wealth in the regions interior Conquered the Aztec Empire –Held Montezuma, the emperor hostage for gold –Eventually sacked and destroyed Tenochitlan, the Aztec capital –Had an advantage in “Guns, Germs, and Steel” Cortes’ attacking force –600 men, 17 horses, dogs, and 10 cannons –Convinced Aztec enemies to fight with him, greatly aided by his translator, Malinche Tenochitlan, drawn by Hernan Cortes, Walters Museum

11 The Mexican Counterattack, Codex Durán The differences between European and Native American styles and conceptions of warfare were often striking. This scene, from the Codex Durán, illustrates a Spanish force besieged by Aztec warriors. Note the contrast in clothing, for example. For most Indian groups, warfare was a highly spiritual affair surrounded by ceremony, often involving colorful and fanciful costumes. The European battle dress, however, bespeaks a very different conception of warfare: practical and deadly. (Archivo fotografico) The Mexican Counterattack, Codex Durán Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

12 Indians with smallpox European diseases killed many millions of Indians during the initial stages of contact because they had no immunity to such epidemic illnesses as influenza, measles, and plague. Smallpox was one of the deadliest of these imported diseases. This Aztec drawing illustrates smallpox's impact, from the initial appearance of skin lesions through death. Traditional Indian medical practices were unable to cure such diseases, and physical contact between shamans and patients actually helped to spread them. (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana) Indians with smallpox Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

13 Pre-Columbian figure with lesions A male effigy dating from 200-800 C.E., found in a burial site in Nayarit, Mexico. The lesions covering the figurine suggest that the person it represents is suffering from syphilis, which, untreated, produces these characteristic markings on the body in its later stages. Such evidence as this pre-Columbian effigy has now convinced most scholars that syphilis originated in the Americas--a hypothesis in dispute for many years. (Private Collection) Pre-Columbian figure with lesions Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

14 Spanish Pattern of Conquest I.CONQUER  Destroy the leadership and military power  Deter resistance with brutal massacres and demonstrations of force  Enslave the population II.COLONIZE  Send peninsulares, mainly men, to settle the new land  Establish encomiendas (slave labor) to farm and mine III.CONVERT  Missionaries convert the native population to Christianity  Conquistadores and peninsulares intermarry with Native American Indians. Their offspring are known as mestizos.

15 Depiction of Racial Mixtures by Miguel Cabrera One of the few extant depictions of a mixed-race family in eighteenth-century North America, by the Mexican artist Miguel Cabrera, 1763. The Spanish father and Indian mother have produced a mestiza daughter. Families such as this would have been frequently seen in New Mexico as well. (Private Collection ) Depiction of Racial Mixtures by Miguel Cabrera Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

16 Exploring Florida Juan Ponce de Leon –Conquered Puerto Rico Explored the Caribbean looking for the “vast land” north Eventually established St. Augustine, the oldest European settlement in North America

17 Settling the Southwest Coronado –Explored Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas –Couldn’t find gold or silver –Burned and looted many Native villages Spanish Priests –Establish Congregaciones to convert Native Americans

18 Resistance to the Spanish SITUATION:  Missionaries forcibly converted Pueblo, Hopi, Maquois and other tribes  Priests destroyed N.Am. sacred items like kachina masks  Religious leaders of the N.Am. Are punished and flogged  N. Am. Were sold into slavery to pay for missions and equipment like church bells REACTION: –Po’pay (Popé) Pueblo Religious leader –Lead a 17,000 man rebellion in 1680 –Destroyed Catholic Churches –Only successful Native American revolt, or slave revolt, for that matter, in North America –Spanish do not return for over 80 years

19 Pope’s Pueblo Rebellion

20 Spain established a profitable empire in the Americas

21 1.The term for people of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage is ___________. 2.The leader of the Spanish soldiers who subdued the Aztecs was ____________. 3.The conquistador who led the exploration of Florida was ___________. 4.The Pueblo rebellion against the Spanish was lead by __________. 5.The Spanish system of agriculture which exploited Native Americans for labor was called an E_____________.

22 1.Spanish missionaries forced Native Americans to live in C_________, as part of the strategy to convert them to Catholicism. 2.The leader of the Spanish soldiers who subdued the Aztecs was ____________. 3.The conquistador who led the exploration of Florida was ___________. 4.The Pueblo rebellion against the Spanish was lead by __________. 5.The Spanish system of agriculture which exploited Native Americans for labor was called an E_____________.

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