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Operating System Concepts and Techniques Lecture 6 Scheduling-2* M. Naghibzadeh Reference M. Naghibzadeh, Operating System Concepts and Techniques, First.

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Presentation on theme: "Operating System Concepts and Techniques Lecture 6 Scheduling-2* M. Naghibzadeh Reference M. Naghibzadeh, Operating System Concepts and Techniques, First."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operating System Concepts and Techniques Lecture 6 Scheduling-2* M. Naghibzadeh Reference M. Naghibzadeh, Operating System Concepts and Techniques, First ed., iUniverse Inc., 2011. To order:,, or * if your time table does not allow to cover all lectures, you can skip this lecture.

2 2 Analytical approach to scheduling Modelling is one scientific approach to analytical investigations The following is a simple model of a uniprocessor multiuser computing system It is based on queuing methodology User 1 User 2 User n Processor

3 Interarrival distribution Arrival and service patterns are often assumed to obey Poisson distribution It can be shown that if the following two conditions satisfy the interarrival distribution is Poisson distribution 1. Arrival of new requests is independent of the history of the system and the current status of the queue 2. We can always define a time interval dt so small that the probability of more than one arrival within any period (t, t+dt) is negligible. The probability of one arrival in such an interval is equal to dt. Here, is a constant which is called arrival rate 3

4 Interarrival distribution… To show, let P 0 (t) represent the probability that there is no arrival within the interval (0, t), then P 0 (t+dt) = Pr [ N(0, t+dt ) = 0] = Pr [ N(0,t) = 0 AND N(t, t+dt) = 0]. From Assumption 1, Pr [ N(0,t) = 0 AND N(t, t+dt) = 0] = Pr [ N(0,t)=0] Pr [ N(t, t+dt) = 0] = P 0 (t) (1- dt). Therefore, P 0 (t+dt) = P 0 (t) (1- dt) Or (6.3) The left side of equation (6.3) is the definition of the derivative when dt approaches zero, thus: 4

5 Interarrival distribution… Or, from differential equations (6.4) But P 0 (0) = 1, replacing t by zero in (6.4), we get: Which leads to c = 0, hence Or Or F(t) = 1 – P 0 (t) = 1 – probability density function (pdf) of the above distribution is: t >0, > 0 (6.6) 5

6 Interarrival distribution… The expected value is Hence, inter-arrival time is exponential and we expect to receive a new arrival every time Following a similar discussion shows the system completes serving a request every time This argument shows there are highly analytical arguments concerning many aspects of operating system 6

7 7 Multiprocessor scheduling Processor types Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP); homogeneous system asymmetric multiprocessor; heterogeneous system Processor Affinity hard affinity soft affinity Synchronization Frequency Independent parallelism Coarse-grain parallelism Fine-grain parallelism Assignment static dynamic

8 Multiprocessor schedulers First-Come-First-Served Shortest Job Next Shortest Remaining Time Next Fair-Share Scheduling Round Robin Gang Scheduling, i.e., coscheduling 8

9 SMP Process Scheduling in Linux For Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) Usually assign the processor which was used last time There are preemptable and non-preemptable processes Preempt if higher priority and hardware cache rewrite time is less than time quantum Respect processor affinty Uses SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, SCHED_OTHER 9

10 Real-time scheduling hard real-time system Do it in time or catastrophe soft real-time system No catastrophe but inaccuracy Request period Periodic Apriodic Spradic Most common hard real-times are periodic 10

11 Rate Monotonic (RM) Periodic tasks Static priority A task with higher request rate, i.e., a shorter request interval, is assigned a higher priority Safety verification Safe if U lub = n (2 1/n –1). Where U= Optimal static priority for single processors 11

12 Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Periodic tasks Dynamic priority Works like this: If the system has just started, picks the request with the closest deadline The execution of a request is completed, a request with the closest deadline from ready queue is picked If the processor is running a process and a new request with a closer deadline arrives, Process switching takes place Optimal dynamic priority for single processor 12

13 Least Laxity First (LLF) Periodic tasks Dynamic priority Works like this: The laxity of a request at any given moment is the time span that it can tolerate before which time it has to be picked up for execution, i.e., L = D – T - (E-C) Always run a task with least laxity Disadvantage: for two processes with the equal and least, the processor has to continuously switch between these two processes, Unpractical Optimal dynamic priority 13

14 Summary A scheduling strategy is usually designed to attain a defined objective, although multi-objective strategies are also possible Average turnaround time (ATT) may be used to estimate the expected time length in which a request is completed after being submitted to the system. This could be a good measure of performance Based on ATT different scheduling algorithms were investigated Besides, in this chapter, I/O scheduling was studied and different schedulers such as FIFO, LIFO, SSTF, Scan, and C-Scan were introduced 14

15 15 Find out In a single-processor multi-programming How average response time is computed How many symmetric processors your laptop supports Reasons behind processor affinity Sample fine-grain parallelism applications Reasons behind gang scheduling Actual hard and soft real-time applications Disadvantages of earliest deadline first scheduling strategy Systems which are not safe under RM but are safe under relative urgency (RU)

16 16 Any questions?

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