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Unit 5 Weather Unit 5 Weather Lesson 1 It’s sunny. 蛇窝泊中心小学 刘水荣.

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2 Unit 5 Weather Unit 5 Weather Lesson 1 It’s sunny. 蛇窝泊中心小学 刘水荣

3 Let’s go and climb the hill.

4 climb

5 hill

6 climb the hill

7 Watch the cartoon and underline the sentences with “It’s…” ( 看动画,划出带有 “It’s …” 的句子 )

8 Sunday sun sunny ( 晴朗的 ) It’s sunny today.

9 mouth cloud cloudy (多云的) It’s cloudy now.

10 winter cloudy windy ( 有风的 ) It’s windy.

11 Listen and choose. ( 听录音选择,同桌合作回答 ) 1. Li Ming : It’s sunny today. Danny : Let’s. A. climb the hill B. go skating 2. Danny : It’s. It’s cold. Li Ming: Put on your. A. sunny, jacket B. windy, jacket C. windy, T-shirt

12 Listen and repeat. (听录音模仿跟读,注意语 音语调。) Read in pairs. (同桌分角色朗读课文,有不 懂的地方别忘记问老师哟!)

13 Sunny , sunny , it is sunny. Happy, Happy, I am happy. Cloudy , cloudy , it is cloudy. Ready, ready, are you ready? Winter, winter, it is winter. Windy, windy, it is windy.

14 sunny windy cloudy

15 It’s summer. It’s ____ today. It’s hot. Let’s ____. Put on your ____. sunny go swimming T-shirt

16 It’s spring. It’s ____ today. It’s warm. Let’s ____. Put on your ____. windy fly kites sweater

17 It’s autumn. It’s ____ today. It’s cool. Let’s ____. Put on your ____. cloudy climb the hill jacket

18 City Weather Beijingcloudy Yantaiwindy Hainansunny Be the best weather reporter.( 我是最佳气象员 ) Hello, I’m xx. Look, it’s cloudy in Beijing.

19 Homework: 1 Listen and repeat. 2 Watch TV and try to describe the weather to your parents.

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