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Architecture and algorithm for synthesizable embedded programmable logic core Noha Kafafi, Kimberly Bozman, Steven J. E. Wilton 2003 Field programmable.

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture and algorithm for synthesizable embedded programmable logic core Noha Kafafi, Kimberly Bozman, Steven J. E. Wilton 2003 Field programmable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture and algorithm for synthesizable embedded programmable logic core Noha Kafafi, Kimberly Bozman, Steven J. E. Wilton 2003 Field programmable gate arrays

2 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

3 Introduction  In order to make post-fabrication changes: programmable logic core (PLC) in SoC design  Shortcomings of PLC (“hard PLC”)  tools  must address physical connection & placement issue  PLC size  How about the “soft” PLC ?

4 Soft programmable logic core  A description of PLC’s behavior which is written in VHDL or verilog  Existing tools can be used to implement the chip  Can be positioned close to where it want  Can support needs precisely  Overhead of area, power, and speed is large! -> amount of PLC must be small !! -> amount of PLC must be small !!

5 Flow Partition the circuit Obtain the HDL of PLC Merge HDL of PLC and fixed part of circuit Use standard synthesis tools to generate IC Fabricate IC Program PLC

6 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  directional architecture  gradual architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

7 Directional Architecture  Straightforward way is to describe the behavior of a standard FPGA at RTL level using HDL  But there are some observations :  soft PLC only make sense for small amounts of programmable logic  many tools have problems with combinational loops

8 Directional Architecture  Implement combinational logic only  Limit the direction of flow

9 More efficient architecture  Small circuit -> can remove some flexibility  Since the core will be hardwired with other parts of the chip, we need lots of flexibility at the inputs and outputs  Each “tile” need not be same

10 Gradual Architecture

11 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

12 CAD algorithm to program PLC  Placement algorithms  simulated annealing  directional architecture :  avoid putting the source block at the right side of sink block  cost function depends on Manhattan distance  gradual architecture :  poor placement can easily lead to unroutable implementations  to minimized the overuse of routing multiplexers

13 Placement for gradual architecture


15 CAD algorithm to program PLC  Routing algorithms  Turns out this is an easy problem  Normal FPGA routers work well

16 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

17 Experimental result Gradual is 18.9% less than directional

18 Experimental result  Soft and hard programmable logic cores  estimate the size of hard core by transistor-count model  focus on a 4 x 4 gradual architecture with three input multiplexers per row  hard PLC size is 12868μm 2  hard PLC size is 12868μm 2  soft PLC size is 81092μm 2  soft PLC size is 81092μm 2 so soft PLC is 6.4x less dense than the hard PLC! so soft PLC is 6.4x less dense than the hard PLC!  comparison of speed and power are not finish….

19 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

20 Non-rectangular fabric  Logic circuit often have a triangular shape  Develop a more efficient architecture  If remove m blocks from column i, then remove m-1 blocks from column i-1  Factor “c” : proportion of the logic blocks in the top row that have been removed

21 Non-rectangular fabric 11.1% lower than square core

22 Outline  Introduction  Two soft PLC architecture  CAD algorithm to program PLC  Experimental result  Non-rectangular fabric  Summary

23 Summary  Two soft PLC architecture  Soft PLC is 6.4x less efficient than hard PLC  Non-rectangular fabric

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