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DANGEROUS BEHAVIORS Smoking and Drinking. Why do kids drink and smoke? Peer pressure To look cool Boredom To relax To help them have fun To feel more.

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Presentation on theme: "DANGEROUS BEHAVIORS Smoking and Drinking. Why do kids drink and smoke? Peer pressure To look cool Boredom To relax To help them have fun To feel more."— Presentation transcript:

1 DANGEROUS BEHAVIORS Smoking and Drinking

2 Why do kids drink and smoke? Peer pressure To look cool Boredom To relax To help them have fun To feel more mature

3 Effects of Alcohol Short-term Long-term Feeling relaxed Lowered inhibitions Slowed reaction times and reflexes Decrease in mental and physical coordination Loss of balance Alcohol poisoning Dehydration Hang over Alcohol dependence / addiction cirrhosis

4 Effects of Tobacco Short-term Long-term Nausea (1 st time) Dizziness (1 st time) Increase in heart rate and blood pressure Bad breath Discolored teeth Chronic cough and shortness of breath Nicotine addiction Lung cancer High blood pressure Heart disease

5 Benefits of not Smoking Save money you would have spent on cigarette Won’t stink Stay healthier Better at sports More attractive to others

6 Benefits of not drinking Will not injure myself or others by driving drunk Will make better decisions Will not do or say things I regret as much Save money which would be spent on alcohol

7 What 8th graders at our school think is the biggest reason kids start drinking

8 Great methods for saying no! Make eye contact Say it louder Use a firm voice Stay away from situations that you would have to say no Leave when people don’t take no for an answer

9 Conclusion I think that kids often start drinking or smoking for very poor reasons and when you look at what effects those activities have on your health it doesn’t seem worth it. Once addicted to these things it is very hard to quit. I think it would be better to not start. The best way to do that is to have several strong strategies on how to say no when offered alcohol or cigarettes.

10 Resources Holt, Decisions For Health. Level Blue. Austin, et. al.: Harcourt Education Company, 2004. "Drugs & Alcohol." Kids Health. 2008. Nemours Foundation. 23 Jul 2008.

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