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Personal Budgets Consultation Feedback. Following the consultation events held on 24 th June 2015, 43 parents / carers completed the online consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Budgets Consultation Feedback. Following the consultation events held on 24 th June 2015, 43 parents / carers completed the online consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Budgets Consultation Feedback

2 Following the consultation events held on 24 th June 2015, 43 parents / carers completed the online consultation in regards to PB. This consultation took place for 8 weeks until 19 th August 2015. Parents Groups that were visited; Friends of Phoenix Stay & Play Aware Stay & Play Bradford Toy Library High Park School Stay & Play SNOOP

3 Children’s Groups that were visited; West Bowling Youth Service Group SIP MD/ Friday Night Group Ilkley Nell Bank SIP FAB Club SIP Phoenix / Delius / Southfield School summer schemes Parkwood Youth Service Group BAS Group Clockhouse Respite Unit 24 children from the above groups chose to complete a questionnaire in regards to hobbies and other interests

4 Parents / carers were in agreement with Behavioural Support Services being independent of the Resource Allocation System. It was felt that in case of emergencies or periods of crisis, behavioural services will need to act soon. Some parents / carers disagreed whilst others were unsure due to not being familiar or having any knowledge / experience with the behavioural services therefore felt they weren’t in a position to comment.

5 Council 3 main outcomes Parents / carers were in agreement of the Council’s main outcomes but felt certain areas were missing. Appropriate level of independence Friendship and employment Choice / Control about the care and support you receive These areas have been covered within the C&F Assessment and the Resource Allocation Questionnaire.

6 RAS Questionnaire example questions

7 Resource Allocation Questionnaire Summarised feedback: RAS Questions are not written clearly enough to understand I don’t think this questionnaire covers the complex needs that children have what happens if needs change, do they have to go through a reassessment? Children and Families Assessment to identify needs and then RAS to be completed using C&F Assessment.

8 Funding Bands Parents / carers had a mixture of thoughts when it came to the funding bands, some parents / carers supporting the funding bands, whilst some not in agreement. Summarised feedback highlighted those parents / carers not in agreement felt; Same people affected by cuts Will affect most vulnerable children Concerned the person completing the assessment will not understand our child or his needs you are asking to categorise my child when I should be free to explain what my child’s needs are

9 30% of parents / carers agreed that they felt it was fair for the Council to agree not to increase or decrease any annual spend by 15% for 2 years following an updated assessment. This consultation question highlighted that although interests and positivity towards PB’s, parents / carers are still worried about existing care packages and possible reductions. Comments of concerns from parents / carers are that 15% protected offer would impact on families.

10 Support planning –parents / carers were asked to tick top 3 64% - Support Options Team 48% - Other parents who have a Support Plan 45% - Family 29% - Friends 24% - Agency outside the council 14% - Social Worker 14% - Someone else (School teaching staff) 7% - Independent Commissioned Agency

11 Children and young people said they would prefer to complete their individual support plans (decide who supports them and what they do) themselves with support from parents / siblings with a very small amount of children / young people wanting social workers / support staff to assist with support planning. When children / young people were asked about choice and what they want to do if given the correct support. Dance / Sports / Wheelchair Football / Play outside Travel / Cinema / Shopping / Visit Friends Go to Respite more / support to work

12 Next Steps Children’s Services will review again the proposal for 15% protected offer and the 2 year time frame for moving all existing families across to the Personal Budget framework To have further discussions with PFBA in regards to support parents / carers on RAS Training, Needs / Outcomes Training and also to continue to work with children around their wishes, feelings and person centred approaches To feedback to parents / carers by the end of the year 2015 Work towards launching the new PB Framework by the first quarter of 2016

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