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Tolerance in the Multicultural Life of 21st Century Europe Comenius International Meeting Sibiu - Romania Liceul Teoretic “Onisifor Ghibu” Sibiu.

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Presentation on theme: "Tolerance in the Multicultural Life of 21st Century Europe Comenius International Meeting Sibiu - Romania Liceul Teoretic “Onisifor Ghibu” Sibiu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tolerance in the Multicultural Life of 21st Century Europe Comenius International Meeting Sibiu - Romania Liceul Teoretic “Onisifor Ghibu” Sibiu

2 Stereotypes and false images in advertising A project made by: Popoviciu Andrei, Sibiu, Romania Voican Andrei, Sibiu, Romania

3 1. What is a stereotype ? widely held but fixed and simplified idea of a particular type of person, thing or group.

4 Cases of stereotypes in advertisements McDonald's Germany introduces the “Italian Burger!” Stereotype: Italian families can always be calm down with a good meal.

5 Stereotype: Only Russians drink vodka. Eristoff Vodka makes use of “ Vodka, just for Russians!”

6 2. What is a false image? a false/changed reproduction or representation of a person or object caused by the subjective demands of our world

7 False images in advertisements Dove can make your skin become “visibly more beautiful in just one week” (meaning, of course, whiter). False image: Girls of different race are used to show the differences between “before” and “after” – even races can change using “Dove”?!

8 Sony Vaio Company advertises their laptops using the image of a perfectly-looking couple, able to sustain a laptop on the top of her heel. False image: A Sony laptop comes with a perfect body, high heels and a perfect partner.

9 The Mc Donald’s company used a famous entity, for getting people’s attention. because if Kobe Bryant likes the new hamburger ‘’everybody will like it’’ False image: Basketball players eat fast-food before matches.

10 After clarifying the concepts of stereotypes and false images in advertisements, I think we should become more educated consumers!

11 Thank you for your attention ! Questions?

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