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WELCOME… EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTS. CHECKLIST  You should have the following at your table:  Human and other animal forelimb bones  “Animal Limbs” copymaster.

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2 CHECKLIST  You should have the following at your table:  Human and other animal forelimb bones  “Animal Limbs” copymaster  Colored pencils  “Animal Limbs” Key  Vestigial Structures Copymasters  4 textbooks

3 COLOR TIME!  Observe the bones in front of you and answer the following:  Compare the human hand and cat paw to the other animals’ forelimbs  What similarities do you notice? What differences?  What explanations can you offer for these similarities and differences?  Obtain an “Animal Limbs Copymaster”  Color code the limbs on your copymaster using the key at your table as a guide

4 COLOR TIME!  Glue or staple your colored Animal Limbs Copymaster in your journal  Use the colored copymaster to answer the following in your journal:  What similarities do you notice in the forelimbs of all of the animals?  What differences do you notice?  How are these differences related to the “lifestyle” of the animal?  What do you think these data tell you about the evolutionary history of these animals?

5 VESTIGES & HOMOLOGIES  Using the Paired Reading procedures (read, discuss, write), work with your partners to read pages 107-109  As you read, define and give examples of the following in your journal:  Homologies  Vestigial structures  Explain how each of these provides evidence of evolution

6  Click on the link below to watch a video clip about whale evolution  Whale Evolution Video Whale Evolution Video  Answer the following:  What overall changes have occurred over the evolutionary history of whales?  What vestigial structures do whales have? What does this suggest about their evolutionary history?  What homologies do they share with other animals? What does this suggest about their evolutionary history? WHALE EVOLUTION

7 WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA?  Put your “evolution puzzle pieces” together by answering the following:  How is looking at similar body parts in different animals useful for understanding evolution?

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