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KILLER WHALE by: Talia R. KILLER WHALES ARE MAMMALS Killer whales are mammals.

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Presentation on theme: "KILLER WHALE by: Talia R. KILLER WHALES ARE MAMMALS Killer whales are mammals."— Presentation transcript:

1 KILLER WHALE by: Talia R

2 KILLER WHALES ARE MAMMALS Killer whales are mammals.

3 KILLER WHALES BODY COVERING Killer whales body covering is skin.

4 KILLER WHALES COLOR IS Killer whales color is black and white.

5 KILLER WHALES EAT  Killer whales eat fish.

6 KILLER WHALES LIVE IN  Killer whales live in the ocean

7 KILLER WHALES MOVE  Killer whales move by swimming and diving.

8 KILLER WHALES STAY WARM BY Killer whales warm by blubber.

9 A KILLER WHALES FEATURES IS A killer whales features is senses.

10 A KILLER WHALE PROTECTS ITSELF BY  A killer whale protects itself by using vibrations.

11 FEATURES MAKE IT EASIER FOR A KILLER WHALE TO LIVE IN ITS ENVIRONMENT. Features make it easier for a killer whale to live in it environment because a killer whales movement, see and smell.

12 PREDATORS OF A KILLER WHALE ARE. Predators of a killer pollution. whale are human

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