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Increasing Self-awareness and Understanding : Self Appraisal 2007-21287 윤지예 산업인력개발 성과관리.

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1 Increasing Self-awareness and Understanding : Self Appraisal 2007-21287 윤지예 산업인력개발 성과관리

2 용어정리  measurement 측정 => 양, 가치, 효과 등의 크기를 정함  analysis 분석 => 통계적 도구 등을 사용하여 현상을 이해하고 설명  assessment 사정 / 평가 / 진단 => 사람, 상황, 사물 등에 대한 판단 (judgment=> 단정 ) 을 얻음  appraisal 평가 / 감정 => 의견 (opinion=> 태도 ) 을 얻음 / 가치의 가격 환산  evaluation => 평가

3 용어정리  review 검사 검토 재검 => 문제점에 대한 고찰과 개선에 대한 고민  reflection 반성 반영 => 자신의 상태나 상황을 돌아보는 일  development 발달 개발 => 양적 증대 ( 성장 ) + 질적 향상 ( 분화, 고도화 )  improvement 개선 => 잘못된 것, 부족한 것을 고침

4 Appraisal?  For the benefit of organizations?  By the appraisers and the HR departments?  Ritualistic form filling exercise?

5 Appraisal!!! perform plan development review analysis Involved as a part of process Appraisal is

6 Why self appraisal? 1 Identify possible directions of growth Continuously monitor the growth 2 3 Discover my performing levels 4 5 Plan to develop my capabilities Find out my capabilities I have and lack Increase Self awareness For development

7 Self appraisal- continuous process  While performing different functions, note any events, incidents and reflections  Analyze performance using guideline (chap.4)  Make brief note of reflection to communicate  Pass the note to appraiser for review discuss Perform & Self- appraisal Review discussion

8 Self appraisal- example 1)  What have I accomplished?  What contributed to my performance?  What are my own competencies that help me and prevent me?  What opportunities have I missed?  What support do I need?  What are my action plans for next year?

9 Self appraisal- example 2) Activities and targets KPA for the period accomplishments Facilitating factor Inhibiting factors Action plans (development actions, support requirements)

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