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Definition of RESPECT from the dictionary: 1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation 2: an act of giving particular attention :

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3 Definition of RESPECT from the dictionary: 1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation 2: an act of giving particular attention : CONSIDERATION CONSIDERATION 3a : high or special regard : ESTEEM ESTEEM b : the quality or state of being esteemedesteemed c plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference deference

4 Examples of RESPECT: He has earned their respect. The soldier saluted as a sign of respect. Despite our differences, I have enormous respect for him. I have a great respect for his accomplishments. I expect to be treated with respect. Your theory makes sense in one respect. The earth's crust floats over a core of molten rock and some of its parts have a tendency to move with respect to one another. —Mario Salvadori, Why Buildings Stand Up, 1990

5 To you? To your friends? To your parents? To your grandparents? To your teachers? To guest teachers? To other adults? Think about examples from your life… Respect can mean different things to different people.

6 Think about examples from your life… Open your social studies notebook. Write the assignment name RESPECT AND TODAY’S DATE. Write down your thoughts about RESPECT When given directions: – Stay in your seat – Turn to the person nearest you and share your thoughts (LISTEN TO PARTNER). – **IF A PERSON NEARBY DOES NOT HAVE A PARTNER…PLEASE INCLUDE HIM/HER INTO YOUR GROUP! Afterward, I will choose random people to SHARE what their partner said.

7 How do you treat others?  Parents  Friends  Grandparents  Teachers  The lunchroom ladies  Guest Teachers  People you don’t know  Any one else? EXAMPLES ?

8 How do we show respect to others?  Sounds Like?  Looks Like?

9 Think about examples from your life… THINK ABOUT THE LAST TWO SLIDES: Write down at least one example of how respect has been shown by someone else. When given a signal… 1.Turn in the opposite direction to share 2.SHARE and LISTEN 3.Include a 3 rd person if necessary 4.Random people share partner’s thoughts with the class.

10 How do others show respect to us? BODY LANGUAGE TONE OF VOICE FACIAL EXPRESSION

11 Think about examples from your life… Write about a time that you felt respected by someone… What happened? How did you feel? REPEAT: Think/Pair/Share

12 What could you do if you had been disrespectful to someone?

13 Think about examples from your life… Think of SOME IDEAS TO FIX THE PROBLEM

14 Think about examples from your life… 1.Accept Responsibility For Your Actions 2.Make Amends (Apologize/Replace Item, etc.) 3.FIX THE MISTAKE


16 Reflect on what you have learned about RESPECT. In your social studies notebook write down your thoughts. Be prepared to share.

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