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Expansion West American perspective: The Northwest territory was theirs to expand the country in. Native perspective: This was their land to stay on and.

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Presentation on theme: "Expansion West American perspective: The Northwest territory was theirs to expand the country in. Native perspective: This was their land to stay on and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Expansion West American perspective: The Northwest territory was theirs to expand the country in. Native perspective: This was their land to stay on and continue their cultures. L IN CS

3 International Relations Neutrality Proclamation: The U.S. would not take a side in Europe’s conflicts. Pinckney's treaty: Spain let the U.S. use the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans for trade. L IN CS

4 Economic Issues Whiskey Rebellion: A tax on whiskey caused Americans to revolt and protest. G.W. crushed the revolts and told Americans taxes are necessary. L 1 3 4 52 LI NC S

5 President Washington warning the Nation…

6 Washington’s farewell address Main points: 1) Stay out of international conflicts 2) Avoid political division in the country 3) Avoid debt, both personal and government debt. 4) Education is a key to U.S.’s success

7 Read History Books p.248 How well have Americans listened to President Washington’s farewell address? Do you think President Obama would agree and listen to Pres. Washington?


9 Agenda/Objective * Objective-To re-focus on why everyone should care about education. *Agenda- 1.) Review grades 2.) Clean out folders 3.) “Why Should I Care About this Dry Stuff?” Activities and assignment.

10 Folder Cleanout *Keep only those materials you need to study for the last test in case you need to re-take it. *If you want to keep stuff for your final exam, store it in another folder.

11 Agenda/Objective(Wednesday) * Objective-To identify and examine, the significant events and challenges of America’s first Presidency. *Agenda- 1.) Pre-Test 2.) Unit Vocabulary 3.) Section Review Questions

12 Brain Stretch *What are some goals you can set 2/3 rd s of the way into Marking Per. 4? * How will they help you become high school/life ready?

13 Today we will start… Looking at George Washington’s presidency and the challenges faced during the new Nation’s beginnings.

14 What challenges did George Washington face? 1) How the U.S. would expand Westward and hold the country together? 2) International relations 3) Economic issues

15 Agenda/Objective(Monday) * Objective-To identify and examine, the significant events and challenges of America’s first Presidency. *Agenda- 1.) Pre-Test 2.) Unit Vocabulary 3.) Section Review Questions

16 Unit Vocabulary- Use lined paper if needed Using the books on your tables, please identify and put the vocabulary definitions into your own words. ***Ask for help paraphrasing, if needed.*** When done read pages 311-315 and answer the section review questions on page 315. (Partner reading is ok)

17 Section 3 Review Why did some Americans support the French Revolution? Why did others oppose it? What was President Washington’s plan for dealing with events in Europe? What difficulties did he face? What Conflicts did the U.S.A. have with Great Britain and Spain? How did the U.S.A. resolve these conflicts?

18 Brain Stretch—Write in Tuesday Row *Using the maps on pages: R5 or xxiii, identify the rivers that would be important for trade and travel because they connect to the Mississippi River. R5 -(U.S. History) R5 in the back of the book. xxiii in the front of the book. -(Call to Freedom) xxiii in the front of the book.

19 Why is the Mississippi River important for trade?


21 Agenda/Objective(Tuesday) * Objective-To identify and examine, the significant events and challenges of America’s first Presidency. *Agenda- 1.) Lancer Notes 2.) Annotated Maps 3.) Sum it up Summaries

22 Challenges for an Expanding Country…

23 Lancer Notes (On the back of your maps) *Title= Problems in a new Nation. *Keypoints: 1.) What was the Northwest Territory and how was it affected by Jay’s Treaty? 2.)Battle of Fallen Timbers and Treaty of Greenville and importance. 3.) What was Pinckney’s Treaty and why was it important? 4.) Major events during Washington’s presidency

24 Expansion West American perspective: The Northwest territory was theirs to expand the country in after defeating Britain. Native perspective: This was their land to stay on and continue their cultures. L IN CS

25 Northwest Territory Britain officially surrendered the area North of the Ohio River and west of the Appalachians to the United States at the end of the Revolutionary War in the Treaty of Paris (1783) However, the British refused to leave and instigated Natives to attack Americans. Jay’s Treaty called for the British to leave these forts in the N.W. Territory.

26 Jay’s Treaty The treaty achieved the American goal of the withdrawal of units from the British Army from pre-Revolutionary forts that it had failed to hand over in the Northwest Territory of the United States.

27 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency A.Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) the American army defeats a confederation of Indians over tension in the Northwest Territory. B. Treaty of Greenville (1795) 12 tribes surrender much of present-day Ohio and some of Indiana to the U.S. government.


29 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency D.Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) Spain gave the Americans the right to freely travel on the Mississippi River and use the port of New Orleans.

30 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency B.The Whiskey Rebellion (1794) PA farmers refused to pay the tax until the American army enforces it. This upholds the power of the new federal government.

31 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency C.The French Revolution (1789-1793) the French people overthrow the French monarchy by executing King Louis XVI. Neutrality – the U.S. would not side with any European country in wartime.


33 Map Annotations *New Orleans *MS River OH River Missouri River North West Territory Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville




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40 George Washington’s Presidency April 30, 1789 Washington (Virginia) is inaugurated (sworn in) as President. John Adams (Mass.) becomes the Vice- President.

41 George Washington’s Presidency Washington establishes many governmental precedents. PRCEDENT: an example that would become a standard practice.

42 I.Establishment of the Court System  Federal Judiciary Act of 1789: passed by Congress. 1.Created an independent federal court system with the Supreme Court and lower level courts.

43 2.The U.S. Supreme Court is to have a Chief Justice and five associate justices. Currently we have 9 total justices. 3.Washington appoints John Jay as Chief Justice.

44 II.Establishment of the Presidential Cabinet A.The Constitution allows Congress to create departments to help the President – the Cabinet. B.The first Presidential Cabinet had four departments:

45 The First Presidential Cabinet 1.Secretary of War (Henry Knox) oversee the nation’s defenses.

46 2.Secretary of State (Thomas Jefferson) oversee the relations between the U.S. and other countries. The First Presidential Cabinet

47 3.Secretary of the Treasury (Alexander Hamilton) to manage the government’s money. The First Presidential Cabinet

48 4.Attorney General (Edmond Randolph) to advise the government on legal matters. The First Presidential Cabinet

49 III.Hamilton’s Financial Plan NOTE: Alexander Hamilton believed that the federal government should be stronger than the state governments.

50 III.Hamilton’s Financial Plan A.Pay off the war debt to develop the trust of other nations for trade. B.Raise the federal government’s revenues through tariffs and taxes. TARIFFS – a tax on imported goods.

51 III.Hamilton’s Financial Plan C.Tariffs would… 1.encourage the growth of American industry (buy American-made). 2.raise money for the federal government.

52 III.Hamilton’s Financial Plan D.Create a NATIONAL BANK: place to keep the government’s money. 2.can make loans to businesses. 3.would issue paper currency. 4.strengthen the federal government.

53 IV.Debate on Interpretation of the Constitution STRICT CONSTRUCTION: only what the Constitution clearly states – favored by Jefferson and Madison. LOOSE CONSTRUCTION: the Constitution should be flexible to meet the needs of the country (Elastic Clause) – favored by Hamilton and Adams.  Jefferson and Hamilton argue these points on the creation of the National Bank.

54 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency A.Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) the American army defeats a confederation of Indians over tension in the Northwest Territory. Treaty of Greenville (1795) 12 tribes cede much of present-day Ohio and Indiana to the U.S. government.

55 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency B.The Whiskey Rebellion (1794) PA farmers refused to pay the tax until the American army enforces it. This upholds the power of the new federal government.

56 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency C.The French Revolution (1789-1793) the French people overthrow the French monarchy by executing King Louis XVI. Neutrality – the U.S. would not side with any European country in wartime.


58 V.Major Events During Washington’s Presidency D.Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) Spain gave the Americans the right to freely travel on the Mississippi River and use the port of New Orleans.

59 VI.Washington Retires  Established the precedent of only a two-term presidency, which becomes the 22 nd Amendment in 1951.

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