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Objectives: Use proper technique to make accurate and precise measurements. Analyze data to create rules for significant figures. Informal Assessment:

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2 Objectives: Use proper technique to make accurate and precise measurements. Analyze data to create rules for significant figures. Informal Assessment: Monitoring student interactions and questions as they complete the measurement lab and significant figures inquiry activity Formal Assessment: Analyzing student responses to measurement lab and significant figure inquiry Common Core Connection Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them

3  Evaluate: Warm-Up  Engage and Explore: Measurement Lab Trial 1  Explain: Significant Figures in Measurement  Elaborate/ Explore: Significant Figures Inquiry  Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4  Sign the class PRIDE pact  Write the name of the pieces of lab equipment pictured and the unit that they are measure in

5  Today I will be able to: Use proper technique to make accurate and precise measurements. Analyze data to create rules for significant figures.

6  Finish Significant Figures Inquiry WS  Collect Data for STEM Fair

7  Warm-Up  Measurement Lab Trial 1  Significant Figures in Measurement  Significant Figures Inquiry  Exit Ticket

8 Travel to the stations in the lab and measure the mass, volume or length. Record your answers on the poster on the board

9  What do you notice about the measurements we recorded?  Why is there variation within the measurements?  How can we ensure that the measurements we take in the lab are both accurate and precise?



12 Work in your row to complete the activity Hint: look at the “zeros” in the numbers

13  Determine the number of Sig Figs in the numbers listed below ◦ 141 ◦ 0.252 ◦ 0.250  With your row, discuss the following questions: ◦ If you could have one special superhero power, what would it be? ◦ Would you rather have Cheetos fingers, or a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat, for the rest of your life?

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