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CONCEPT PROPOSAL Olli Heiskanen Emmi Haapajoki Andreas Sode Lester Moorman.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPT PROPOSAL Olli Heiskanen Emmi Haapajoki Andreas Sode Lester Moorman."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPT PROPOSAL Olli Heiskanen Emmi Haapajoki Andreas Sode Lester Moorman

2 PROBLEM A study showed that certain Finns have the impression that some of their fellow Finns are racist and their opinions are too visible in the media compared to tolerant opinions.

3 SOLUTION Say welcome to the refugees by using our new #afinnishwelcome using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media. Posts using this # will be displayed on screens in Helsinki within a couple of minutes.

4 Anybody can participate by submitting tweets, instagram pics, or facebook posts with the hashtag #afinnishwelcome. The submissions will be shown within a couple of minutes to boost participation rates. Submissions will be moderated using automated software and there will be no possibilities to submit content anonymously, to prevent abuse. HOW IT WORKS

5 SUBMITTING POSSIBILITIES Photo booths placed in public places such as shopping malls for people who might not have access to social media.

6 To maintain interest, there will be a website where people can find their own photos with the #afinnishwelcome. People submitting from their own social media accounts will be tagged, so they can easily find back their own photos and put them as their profile picture. Among the same lines as support for gay marriage. WEBSITE

7 Hashtags spread well in social media but there must be some pioneers using that. Introduction will take place by asking some local celebrities to share their #afinnishwelcome on their social media pages, they will then appear through the city. ADVERTISEMENT Nasima Razmyar, Congress-woman Paleface, Rap artist


9 STRATEGIES ●Non-profit project, stakeholders can be municipalities or NGO’s ●Depending on users activity ●Project is depending on sponsors ●Service is using existing social media platforms and a simple software platform ●Public screens and companies in the area to use their screens to display posts and feeds. ○good for the image of private company. ●Scalable

10 BENEFITS ●For (local) governments: A better image for city or country as a welcoming place. ●Socially acceptable to express hospitality leads to better atmosphere in the city or country ●For local companies: Making your screens available will increase the image of the company as a socially responsible company. ●For participants: have the opportunity to express your support for refugees, to do the right thing and make your own town a better place.

11 #afinnishwelcome

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