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Laboratory Ten The Circulatory System: Physiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory Ten The Circulatory System: Physiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory Ten The Circulatory System: Physiology

2 Circle of Willis (circulation to the brain)

3 Hepatic Portal Circulation (shunts blood from digestive organs to the liver for final metabolism and detoxification and from liver to the inferior vena cava for return to the heart)

4 Fetal Circulation (designed to by-pass fetal lung)

5 Lymphatic System (related to body defense mechanisms)

6 The Electrocardiogram: Recording of Heart Electrical Activity P wave Atrial depolarization Occurs before atrial contraction Generated by the firing of Sinoarterial (SA) node QRS complex Ventricular depolarization Occurs before ventricular contraction (systole) T wave Ventricular repolarization Occurs before ventricular relaxation (diastole)

7 Pulse & Blood Pressure Determine pulse rate manually in 5 different locations Measure systemic blood pressure using the peripheral pulses in the brachial artery Systolic pressure (first soft sound): generated by contraction of left ventricles Diastolic pressure (sound terminates): corresponds to relaxation of the left ventricle

8 Blood Typing Anti-SerumAgglutinationAntigen Anti-AYes‘A’ Present Anti-ANo‘A’ NOT Present Anti-BYes‘B’ Present Anti-BNo‘B’ NOT Present Anti-RhYes‘Rh’ Present Anti-RhNo‘Rh’ NOT Present

9 Blood Typing 2 drops of the synthetic blood of only one subject 2 drops of each anti-serum Mix with a separate toothpicks (avoid cross contamination) Place the slide on the Rh-typing box for 30-45sec while gently rocking the box Observe the wells for agglutination (RBC clumping) Record your results in your handout e.g.: –B - (agglutination in anti-B well) –O + (agglutination in anti-Rh well) –AB + (agglutination in Anti-A, -B,& -Rh wells) A B Rh Anti-B Anti-A Anti-Rh

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