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Behavior Contract I will not leave my seat unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I will raise my hand if I need anything (Kleenex, pencil sharpener,

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Presentation on theme: "Behavior Contract I will not leave my seat unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I will raise my hand if I need anything (Kleenex, pencil sharpener,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavior Contract I will not leave my seat unless instructed to do so by the teacher. I will raise my hand if I need anything (Kleenex, pencil sharpener, hand sanitizer). I will not throw anything away except at the very beginning and ending of class. I will not throw things into the garbage or at other students. I will have all materials out and ready at the start of class. I will not speak especially while the teacher is teaching or other students are sharing. I will speak appropriately and only when the teacher give me permission. I will follow the rules of being prompt, prepared, polite, positive, and productive. I understand failure to comply with the previously mentioned rules will result in an immediate behavior slip followed by a phone call home, loss of recess, and if the problem persists, I will receive a long form write-up that will be sent to the office. I understand that the previously mentioned behaviors keep others from learning and am willing to accept the consequences if I do not follow these rules. My signature is my agreement to these terms. X___________________________

2 Introduction Notes The introduction includes: Begins with a hook* The Subject Why is this important? Thesis Starts general and ends specific – with the thesis Gives the reader a sneak peek of what will be discussed *The hook catches the readers attention.

3 The Introduction It will mention all of the main points you will include in the essay. It will not be written in 1 st or 2 nd person pov. Do not begin or end with “My name is … and I will be telling you about…”

4 Conclusion Wraps up the essay Shows how you proved the thesis Use the format: T S S – Restate the Thesis (in different words) – Summarize (what has been said in the body) – So what? (Why did this essay matter? Why should the reader care?) You may include transition words or phrases: To conclude, in conclusion, in closing. ***Do not end with “The end” or “I hope you enjoyed.”

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