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WSMS Goal Setting Warm Springs Middle School Parent Training.

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2 WSMS Goal Setting Warm Springs Middle School Parent Training

3  What is success?  What makes people successful?  Character Counts, PRIDE, CLASS and success…  Choosing a PATH to success  Goal Setting and how it relates to success.  Accountability

4 The feeling of a job well done School, afterschool programs, being responsible for setting appointments, seeking help, self advocacy and helping others as well as lifelong success☺

5 Successful people lend a helping hand to others (PRIDE/CLASS) Successful people create goals Successful people do not give up- Even when things get tough ! (Derek Redmond)

6 1.Trustworthiness 2.Respect 3.Responsibility 4.Fairness 5.Caring 6.Citizenship PRIDE = You taking Personal Responsibility in Developing Excellence Do everything with CLASS and make your mark on this school☺ Connections are important!


8 1.Desire 2.Action



11  350 is proficient  330-360 is called “Bubble”  Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies are tested (Science and Social Studies at 8 th grade only)  Content areas are broken down into strands  How does this data compare to common core and what should we expect in the future?  SMI/SRI tests can project possible outcomes on CST  How does the goal form work?

12 All students regardless if they are basic and below will set goals and monitor their goals with the use of the SMI/SRI formative assessments 3-4 times a year. Teachers will work with proficient kids and admin. will focus on Bubble kids. Know your forms☺ The scores on the left are SMI/SRI points possible. These scores are color coded to match the CST scores on the right showing performance levels possible. The light green line represents proficient on the CST’s and or 350 scale score on the CST’s. SMI/SRI can be used as a measure predictor on how you will score on the CST’s in May☺


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