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7 Wonders Agent: A Proposal Computer Science Thesis Proposal Fall 2012 Ben Gardiner Advisor: Prof. Haiyan Cheng.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Wonders Agent: A Proposal Computer Science Thesis Proposal Fall 2012 Ben Gardiner Advisor: Prof. Haiyan Cheng."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Wonders Agent: A Proposal Computer Science Thesis Proposal Fall 2012 Ben Gardiner Advisor: Prof. Haiyan Cheng

2 Outline I.Introduction and Motivation II.Background III.Rules for 7 Wonders IV.Project Proposal V.Timeline

3 Introduction Look to inspiration from previously taken classes. Machine Learning class focused on artificial intelligence, through the game Go. Games other than Go are more interesting to me. Goal: Combine love of games with senior research project.

4 Motivation Use model to represent decisions. Gameplay provides an ideal model for decisions. Creating an AI that plays a game is simpler than creating an AI for a real-world task.

5 Background



8 Euro-Games

9 7 Wonders Rules

10 7 Wonders : a Wonder

11 Modified Rules Proposal Have 3 “Generations” of modified rules. Write the agent for the simplest rule set. Augment the agent for each more complicated rule set. Use the Monte-Carlo tree search approach.

12 Simplified Rules Ignore the “Wonder” Players cannot “Buy” resources from neighbors

13 Simplified Rules 2 Purchase Resources from Neighbors

14 Final (Full) Rules Wonder can be built Cards can be built for free

15 Timetable DateDeliverable 14-JanFirst Day of Classes 31-JanInitial game rules implemented 14-FebAgent for initial rules completed 28-FebSecond iteration of rules implemented 14-MarSecond Agent Implemented 28-MarThird Generation Rules 11-AprThird Agent Implemented 17-AprSSRD 5-MayFinal Deadline

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