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1 HLG-BAS workshop Session III Questionnaire responses of the HLG-BAS related groups A. Born / A. Götzfried / J.M. Museux.

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1 1 HLG-BAS workshop Session III Questionnaire responses of the HLG-BAS related groups A. Born / A. Götzfried / J.M. Museux

2 2 Preparatory questionnaires were sent to all groups/committees related to the HLG-BAS in October 2011; These groups are subdivided in three categories: –CES groups: MSIS, METIS, etc. –ESS groups: ITDG, DIME, Sponsorship groups, etc. –Other groups such as Statistical Network, SDMX groups, OECD groups etc. The HLG-BAS itself reports to the Conference of European Statisticians. The background

3 3

4 4 The questions asked to the groups were: What are the current priorities of the group ? How do you expect the priorities to change in the next 3 years? To what extent do you think the current priorities of this group are consistent with the HLG-BAS Strategic vision (regarding statistical processes and products)? How do you think the planned future activities of this group can contribute to the implementation of the HLG-BAS vision (regarding statistical processes and products)? Please identify up to three new areas of work which your group could take on to contribute to the implementation of the HLG-BAS Strategic Vision. Which phase(s) of the GSBPM are most closely related to the activities of this group? Which other international expert groups does this group have links to? (e.g. formal links to parent and subsidiary groups, and informal links to other expert groups working on related topics) The « HLG-BAS questionnaire »

5 5 Grouping of the CES, ESS and other groups Common Generic lndustrialised Statistics GSBPMGSIM MethodsTechnology Business Concepts Statistical HowToProduction HowTo conceptual practical Common Generic lndustrialised Statistics GSBPMGSIM MethodsTechnology Business Concepts Information Concepts Statistical HowToProduction HowTo conceptual practical 12) ESSnet on Standardisation 11) Sponsorship on Standardisation 20) SDMX Sponsors 25) Paris Microdata Access Group 10) Metadata Working Group 15) Statistical Network 26) OECD Stat. User Group 24) DDI 8) CORA / CORE 21) SDMX Expert Group 14) WG Quality in Statistics (13 Sponsorship on Quality) 2) METIS 9) DIME 23) SDMX Stat. Standards 1) MSIS 3) SAB 7) SISAI 6) ITDG 18) PC-Axis 22) SDMX Tech Standards 27) Blaise User Group 15) Statistical Network 4) SDE 16) SOS Group 19) IMAODBC 17) SDMX/DDI Dialogue 5) HMRT

6 6 Current priorities of the “GSBPM” groups Current priorities SDMX Sponsors ESSnet standardisation Sponsorship on Standardisation ESS WG on quality METIS HR Management and Training in stat. offices Implementation of the European COP xxx Refinement of the ESS QAF xxx Standardisation of quality reporting xxxxx SDMX implementation xxxxxx Improvement of the SDMX stat./technical standards xxxxx SDMX outreach and training xxx Exchange of experience on HR Management and Training xxx Prepare guidance on HRMT xxx Focus on profile of official statistician xxx Define the scope, business case and an action plan for ESS standardisation (including barriers) xxxxx Common Metadata Framework xxxxxxx Encourage the use of metadata standards xx xxx Encourage the harmonisation of metadata xxx xxx GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology xxx – leading xx – contributing x – concerned

7 7 Current priorities of the “GSIM” groups Current priorities Statistical NetworkMSIS Cora / Core DDI SDMX/DDI dialogue ESS Metadata WG SDMX Expert Group Update the DDI codebook and metadata standard xxxxxx Improve DDI governance structure xxxx CORE software proto-tying xxxx Implementation of CORE in statistical processes xxxxxx IT architecture/enterprise architecture xxxxxxx Streamlining statistical production xxxxxxxx Harmonising statistical methods and systems (e.g. on web data capture, editing, GSIM, Disclosure control, dissemination) xxxx Exploring the use of DDI complementary to SDMX xx xxxxxx Building links between official statistics and the data archive community xx xxxx Data/metadata exchange in official statistics (showcases of SDMX implementation) xxxxxxxx ESS standardisation, production and exchange of metadata xxxxxxxx Stimulating the business process integration xx x xxxxx GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology

8 8 Current priorities of the “Methods” groups Current priorities DIMESDESDMX SWGParis Micro-data Access Group International collaboration on micro- data access xxx Manage and maintain the SDMX statistical standards xxxxx Define a strategy on standardisation xxxxx Non-response in surveys xxxx Stimulate the co-operation on methodology and underlying IT tools xxxxx Follow-up quality related work xxxxx Sharing editing and imputation methods and evaluation techniques (incl. IT tools) xxxxxxx GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology

9 9 Current priorities of the “Technology” groups Current priorities ITDGSISAI Blaise User Group PC- Axis Group OECD Stat. user group SAB SDMX TWG SOS groupIMADBC SDMX Global registry, IT tools, security, technical documentation, web service profile etc. xx xxxxxxxx Promotion of harmonisation business architectures; Guidelines/governance for statistical software; managing the software inventory xx xxxxxxxx Contribute to the sharing of IT tools within the ESS through the setting on an IT policy and technical IT standards xxxxxxxxxxxx Review the work of Core/Cora and the Statistical Network; xxxxxxxxx Exchange experiences on IT strategies, governance etc. xxxxx xxx x Exchange of experience on the development and dissemination of statistical information (in particular on the internet) xxxxxxxx Sharing and collaborative development of the OECD Statistical Information System software components with other organisations xxxxxxxxxx IT governance, enterprise architecture xxxxxxxxxxxx Standardisation and sharing of IT tools in the ESS (based on the ESS vision) xxxxxxxxxxxx GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology

10 10 Current priorities of the “HLG-BAS” groups consistent with the HLG-BAS vision GroupsConsistent with the visionGroupsConsistent with the vision SDMX Sponsors Supports the streamlining and integration of statistical business processes for improving efficiency; not directly focussing on products Cora/Core Consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; Core contributes to standardisation and industrialisation of processes and better quality of products; ESS net Standard. To be defined later DDI Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; DDI supports business process integration; DDI metadata support IT tools, products etc. Sponsorship Standard. Fully consistent (focussing on statistical processes); the ESS has already a joint strategy SDMX/DDI dialogue Integrated standards will streamline processes and the efficient development of products; ESS Quality WG Contributes to quality improvements for statistical processes and products ESS MWG Fully in line with the HLG Bas strategy; harmonised metadata are a precondition for business process integration HRMT HR development and strategies important for business process integration and standardisation Stat. Network Fully compliant; harmonisation of processes based on standards; also new types of products might result; METIS Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; owner of the GSBPM; SDMX Expert group Role of SDMX consistent with the main aims of the HLG-Bas vision in terms of processes and products MSIS Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; impact of the HLG-Bas expected; better processes lead to better products; GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology

11 11 Future activities contributing to the implementation of the HLG-BAS vision GroupsConsistent with the visionGroupsConsistent with the vision SDE Well-aligned with the vision with the standardisation of data editing activities; process related; PC-Axis Group SDMX SWG Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; focussing more on standards used for statistical production processes; OECD Stat. User group Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; promoting shared software and common platform; Paris Microdata Access Group Fully consistent with the main aims of the HLG-Bas vision; focusing on the exchange of micro-data; SAB Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; focuses on process standardisation; convergence of business architecture favour the integration of products; DIME Fully consistent; steering the harmonisation of the methods for the GSBPM steps; also oriented towards product innovation; SDMX TWG Priorities fully in line with the HLG-Bas vision; SDMX technical and IT standards support business process integration; not focusing directly on products; SOS group Almost consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; more focused on the exchange of concrete experiences; SISAI Fully consistent with the HLG-Bas vision; shares the goals of the HLG BAS vision; more multi-national products needed; IMADBC In line with the HLG Bas vision (e.g. in terms of metadata and output); rather statistical services than products; Blaise user Group ITDG Fully consistent; ESS business process integration driven by this group; new products might follow; GSBPMGSIMMethodsTechnology

12 12 Some main findings Business process integration and “industrialisation” of the statistical production is in the focus of many international groups; less groups are dealing with (innovative) statistical products. -For most of the work areas there is one group clearly leading and other groups are contributing (often with a group hierarchy). Overlap in certain work areas can however not be excluded. -International groups often co-operate well with European groups; the latter ones seem to stay consistent with international developments and create/implement consistent European standards/solutions/etc.; - Often identical colleagues are participating in related groups and therefore assure consistency and co- operation; -Business process integration and “industrialisation” of the statistical production is in the focus of many international groups; less groups are dealing with (innovative) statistical products. -For most of the work areas there is one group clearly leading and other groups are contributing (often with a group hierarchy). Overlap in certain work areas can however not be excluded. -International groups often co-operate well with European groups; the latter ones seem to stay consistent with international developments and create/implement consistent European standards/solutions/etc.; - Often identical colleagues are participating in related groups and therefore assure consistency and co- operation;

13 13 GSBPM steps covered by the “HLG-BAS” groups

14 14 Which phase(s) of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model is/are most closely related to the activities of this group?

15 15 Relationships between the “HLG-BAS” groups

16 16 The relationship between the GSBPM groups SDMX SponsorsESSnet standardisation Sponsorship on Standardisation ESS WG on quality METIS HR Management and Training in stat. offices SDMX Statistical Working Group SDMX Technical Working Group ESS Directors' groups OECD SDMX expert ESS Committee DIME - ESS Directors' Group for methodology ITDG - ESS IT Director's Group Conference of European Statisticians Eurostat Metadata Working Group Various groups related to SDMX and DDI Statistical Network UN Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications UN Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications Various data / metadata initiatives outside the realm of official statistics Various data / metadata initiatives outside the realm of official statistics Eurostat Expert Group on Quality Indicators UN Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks SDMX Statistical Working Group SDMX Technical Working Group GSBPM subgroups CES Bureau

17 17 Conclusions The analysis of the responses to the HLG-BAS questionnaire is seen as input to the discussion of this seminar. The groups have been allocated to 4 work areas: GSBPM, GSIM, Methods, Technology. Many groups seem to navigate well within their surrounding and co-operate well with related groups. Some further and more in-depth analysis of the responses to the “HLG-BAS questionnaire” might be useful.

18 18 Concrete actions for different groups to implement the vision Two rounds of discussion in 4 groups First round on tactical issues: subdivision according to the following sub-squares Common Generic lndustrialised Statistics GSBPMGSIM MethodsTechnology Business Concepts Statistical HowToProduction HowTo conceptual practical Common Generic lndustrialised Statistics GSBPMGSIM MethodsTechnology Business Concepts Information Concepts Statistical HowToProduction HowTo conceptual practical 12) ESSnet on Standardisation 11) Sponsorship on Standardisation 20) SDMX Sponsors 25) Paris Microdata Access Group 10) Metadata Working Group 15) Statistical Network 26) OECD Stat. User Group 24) DDI 8) CORA / CORE 21) SDMX Expert Group 14) WG Quality in Statistics (13 Sponsorship on Quality) 2) METIS 9) DIME 23) SDMX Stat. Standards 1) MSIS 3) SAB 7) SISAI 6) ITDG 18) PC-Axis 22) SDMX Tech Standards 27) Blaise User Group 15) Statistical Network 4) SDE 16) SOS Group 19) IMAODBC 17) SDMX/DDI Dialogue 5) HMRT

19 19 How can the different groups (METIS, St. Network, SISAI …) contribute to the HLG-BAS vision ? Identify gaps and overlaps Consider how the groups might better contribute to implementing the vision Facilitators –GSBPM : Walter Radermacher –GSIM : Irena Krizman –Methods : Gosse van der Veen –Technology : Brian Pink

20 20 Second round Focus on the strategic issues of the contribution of Brian Pink 4 groups facilitated by the same HLG BAS members All groups (2 times 4) to report back in 3 to 4 minutes in the afternoon

21 21 Timeschedule Session (iii) 9:45 First round : each group in its corner 10.50 Coffee break 11:10 Second round : re-allocation of participants to groups 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Report from groups 14:00 Discussion 14:40 Coffee break

22 22 Output of session (iii) For the first round Set of proposed orientation for the different relevant groups General mapping on the strategy Suggestion for required accompanying actions For the second round Contribution to the 9 topics raised by Brian Pink

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