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Chapter 5: Tobacco Use Prevention

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1 Chapter 5: Tobacco Use Prevention
Tracy Natali Wendy Justin Sebastian


3 Let’s Talk About Stats 1.1 BILLION tobacco users in the world
80% of smokers live in low- middle income countries Smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers. , the proportion of adult smokers declined from 42.0% to 18.0%.

4 Who Smokes? 18% of high school students 19% of U.S. adults
9 / 10 starts before 18 1 / 5 adults and teenagers smoke 3,200 people under 18 smoke their first cigarette each day 2,100 become daily smokers

5 All forms of tobacco contain nicotine.
Tobacco Products All forms of tobacco contain nicotine. Cigarettes -finely cut tobacco, rolled with carcinogenic chemicals in paper. Cigars/Cigarillos - aged and fermented tobacco leafs w/higher levels of nicotine Pipe- refillable chamber bowl for tobacco Bidis- thin, hand-rolled cigarettes using tendu or temburni leafs, imported from Southeast Asian countries. Kreteks- tobacco, cloves, and other additives, higher levels of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide

6 Smokeless Tobacco Dip ( Dissolvable tobacco) - compressed form that dissolves on the tongue, not regulated Snuff - finely ground tobacco that can be “snuffed” through the nose Chewing tobacco (spit tobacco)- tobacco placed between the gums and teeth. Users on the contents and spit out the juice.

7 E-Cigarettes E-Cigs are not tobacco products, but instead are nicotine delivery systems. Some claim to not contain nicotine, but FDA has found this to be false Re-usable, differing nicotine levels, and flavors. Marketed as an alternative to cigarettes FDA has not regulated the use of e-cigs Early studies have shown the presence of carcinogens

8 Hookah Hookah is a tobacco product that is
passed through water to a pipe. Come in different flavors. Contain high levels of nicotine. Contains high levels of toxic compounds, heavy metals, and carcinogens A 1 hr. session of hookah smoking exposes users to x the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette.

9 All forms of tobacco contain nicotine.
What is it? A highly addictive stimulant drug Absorbed into the bloodstream within seconds Creates a reaction in the pleasure sensors of your brain Bodies build tolerances to nicotine causing the need for more Can be produced synthetically

10 Nicotine Withdrawals Nicotine cravings Anxiety Irritability Headaches
Hunger Nausea Fatigue, or Insomnia Lack of concentration Depression Quitting? The first week is the most difficult, but symptoms usually subside after week 5. Nevertheless, cravings may remain for years to come.

11 Cancer 7000 chemicals in tobacco smoke
69 of the 250 harmful chemicals in cigarettes cause cancer. Arsenic Cadmium Formaldehyde Tobacco products are a leading cause of cancer.

12 Arsenic! Cadmium! Formaldehyde!

13 Cancer Types Lung Esophagus Larynx Mouth Throat
36% of the total 480,000 yearly smoking deaths are caused by cancer


15 Secondhand Smoke Sidestream smoke is smoke from burning tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Mainstream smoke is smoke that has been exhaled by the person smoking.

16 What’s in it? Secondhand smoke contains the same harmful chemicals as normally inhaled tobacco smoke. Chemicals suspected of causing cancer: Formaldehyde Benzo(a)pyrene Toluene Causes cancer Found in soot that was known to cause chimney sweep scrotal cancer in the 18th century.

17 Health Risks Secondhand smoke is a carcinogen (causes cancer).
Lung cancer 7,300 nonsmokers die from lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke annually. Living with a smoker increases your likelihood of developing lung cancer by 20-30% (US Surgeon General). Heart disease Increased chance by 25-30% 34,000 deaths *all data culled from

18 Tobacco and Politics Tobacco companies spend over $3 Billion per year on advertising and promotion. $400 every seconds Control publications by cancelling advertising and funding.

19 Tobacco and Politics California’s Law for a Smoke-free Workplace Sting
to the Labor Code ( protects 2nd hand smoke) Fines, fines, fines California Penal Code 308 Unlawful to sell to persons under 18 70% before 30% after Sting

20 Tobacco in Politics January 1, 2004 all governmental buildings restricted outdoor smoking within 25 feet of doors and operable windows (Matza) CSULB and other campuses

21 “The Insider” Jefferey Wigand
Vice President of research & development at B&W Whistleblower Confidentiality Agreement “Seven Dwarfs” Threats 60 Minutes Court

22 “The Insider” Scene of the Deposition from the movie “The Insider”

23 How to Prevent Tobacco Use

24 Educate Provide information on the dangers of tobacco use. Enhance Skills Teach social and decision making skill to enable the youth to make healthy decisions. Provide Support Provide resources, reinforcement and encouragement. Be a Role Model Don’t smoke or use any type of tobacco. Research Have students research the effects of tobacco use. Communicate Keep the line of communication open.

25 Quit Smoking Resources
Government Resources 1-800-QUIT-NOW 1-855-DEJALO-YA (spanish

26 The Tobacco Prevention Game

27 What is secondhand smoke?
A: Watermelon B: smoking with two hands. C: bannana D: smoke that has been exhaled, or breathed out, by the person smoking. ANSWER: D

28 What are three ways to prevent tobacco use in youth?
A: Be a role model. Smoke with them. Buy them cigarettes. B: Be a role model. Secondhand smoke. Provide support. C: Research. Educate. Teach social and decision making skills. D: Provide support. Don’t talk to them. Encourage to smoke. ANSWER: C

29 True or False? In January 1, 2004 all governmental buildings restricted outdoor smoking within 15 feet of doors and operable windows. A: True. B: False. ANSWER: B

30 Nicotine is addictive as..
A: Alcohol B: Heroin C: Cocaine D: Both B & C ANSWER: D

31 The proportion of adult smokers decreased by _______ in 50 years.
ANSWER: A A: 24% B: 18% C: 60% D: 48%

32 Which product does not contain nicotine?
Hookah Chewing tobacco E-cigarettes None of the above ANSWER: D

33 Which of the following health risk are caused by tobacco use?
A: Heart disease B: Stroke C: Lung cancer D: All of the above Answer: D


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