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Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Zoonoses & One Health Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Trainer Workshop October 18 th 2014 Hayley D. Yaglom, MS,

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Zoonoses & One Health Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Trainer Workshop October 18 th 2014 Hayley D. Yaglom, MS,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Zoonoses & One Health Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Trainer Workshop October 18 th 2014 Hayley D. Yaglom, MS, MPH Epidemiologist Vector-borne & Zoonotic Disease Program Office of Infectious Disease Services Arizona Department of Health Services Craig Levy, MS Epizoologist Office of Epidemiology Maricopa County Department of Public

2 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Objectives What is One Health? What are Zoonotic Diseases? Why is this important for 4-H? What are some future projects?

3 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Worldwide initiative Human, animal, and environmental health are linked Main Goal: – Enhance cooperation and expand interdisciplinary collaborations between all the fields to promote health and well-being What is One Health?

4 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Human EnvironmentAnimal

5 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Predominantly a disease prevention & management focus Combating existing and emerging diseases and zoonoses Animal models key to better health for all species Application of emerging technologies (e.g. sensors, nanotechnology) Diagnostics and therapeutics developed through animal trials benefit human patients and visa versa

6 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans One Health is not a new concept, but it has become more important in recent years because many factors have changed the interactions among humans, animals, and the environment. These changes have caused the emergence and reemergence of many diseases.

7 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans

8 Zoonotic Diseases Diseases that can be passed between animals and humans At least 61% of all human pathogens are zoonotic. ~75% of all emerging pathogens in the past decade have been zoonotic.

9 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Why do you think this is true? 1.We interact with animals in our daily lives. 2.We raise animals for food or enjoyment. 3.We keep them in our homes as pets. 4.We come into close contact with animals at fairs and zoos. 5.We encounter wildlife when we are outdoors or bugs that transmit disease.

10 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Pet Ownership and Zoonoses

11 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Livestock and Zoonoses

12 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans

13 Routes of Transmission Direct contact – Bite, scratch, contact with infected tissues – Ex. Rabies, Q-fever Indirect contact – Food/water-borne or touching infected object (fomite) – Salmonella, E. coli, Giardia Aerosolization – Inhalation, contact with respiratory droplets – Ex. Brucellosis, Psittacosis Vector-borne (animal serves as reservoir) – Mosquitos, ticks, fleas – Ex. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile Virus

14 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Prevention Education and outreach Proper hand-washing and hygiene Stay safe when handling food Prevent bites from mosquitoes and ticks Stay safe around pets and livestock Keep your animals up-to-date with veterinary health checks and vaccinations Proper animal management and care Be aware of zoonotic diseases both at home and when you travel

15 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Current Efforts CDC-USDA-4-H Public Health Youth Education Program (2012) – Established to educate youth on the transmission and prevention of zoonotic diseases Partnerships between agricultural programs and local and state agencies – “Friends” Magazine with lesson plans – Teach youth, leaders, and parents about zoonotic disease risk and prevention – Encourage youth to share knowledge – Create sustainable partnership – Decrease number of US illness associated with zoonotic disease

16 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Zoonotic Diseases Commonly Associated with Livestock & Poultry Influenzas – swine, poultry, humans Salmonella E. coli Psittacosis Q-fever Brucellosis And others…..

17 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans At Risk Animal caretakers, including 4H Visitors to animal events (e.g. county & state fairs, etc.) Other animals - disease transmission is two-way

18 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Significant Events 1996-2010: 150+ outbreaks associated with public animal exhibitions – mostly E.coli and Salmonella E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks assoc w/ petting zoos NC – 108 cases of E.coli FL - 63 cases of E.coli AZ - 2 cases at local zoo 60% of animal fecal samples were positive!

19 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Influenza in Swine H3N2v – “swine flu” outbreaks were first reported in 2011 and continuing... 300+ cases in humans Almost all cases were connected to attendance or participation in county and state fairs At risk were animal caretalers, 4H, public

20 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Influenza in Poultry H5N1 – 660+ human cases reported in 15 countries in Asia, Africa, Pacific, Near East since 2003. 60% cases were fatal. Almost all cases had poultry exposures. H7N9 – est 450+ cases in China & Malaysia in 2013 & 2014. source was poultry.

21 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans One Health Partners in AZ ADHS / State Lab Game & Fish State Agriculture USDA CDC County Health 4 H AzVMA / veterinarians Animal Control UA Vet Diagnostic Lab Indian Health Svc Tribes Zoos Humane Society Animal rehab/rescue Others….

22 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Our Project Goals Open communication/networking Provide disease prevention education Enhance surveillance for disease risk Work together to mitigate zoonotic disease outbreaks when they occur

23 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans Outreach & Communication Meetings Teleconferences (e.g. AADRT) Newsletters (e.g. VZE Qtrly Newsletter) Display booths at public events Friends Magazine articles Draft chapter for manuals Brochures & fact sheets

24 Health and Wellness for all Arizonans

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