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Nostrils Esophagus Cartilage Ring Lobes of lung Pleural Cavity Heart/Mediastinum Diaphragm.

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2 Nostrils Esophagus Cartilage Ring Lobes of lung Pleural Cavity Heart/Mediastinum Diaphragm


4 NameDescription and/or Function Nasal Cavity Moisten, warm, clean air Nostrils Entry for air Epiglottis Flap covering glottis that closes glottis during swallowing Larynx Voice box/Adam’s apple – holds vocal chords Trachea Cartilaginous tube/air pipe Lung Contains air sacs that are the site of gas exchange Pleural Cavity Space between inner and outer pleura (membrane covering lung)

5 Heart (Mediastinum) Pumps blood (with O2 and CO2) throughout body (where heart is located) Diaphragm Muscle wall between thoracic and abdominal cavities – changes chest pressure for breathing Bronchioles Small branches of bronchi – delivers O2 to alveoli Bronchus (Bronchi pl) Lower branch of trachea – delivers O2 to bronchioles Cartilage Ring (in Trachea) Holds trachea in place – prevents collapsing of tube/airway Esophagus Passageway for food from mouth to stomach Pharynx Passageway for food and air Alveolus (Alveoli pl) Actual site of gas exchange Capillary Network Cover alveoli – blood supply for gas exchange

6  Happen when a spasm contracts the diaphragm › This separates the chest (thoracic) cavity with abdominal cavity  This causes an intake of breath, suddenly stopped by the closure of the glottis › Causes the hiccup sound

7  A very full stomach can cause bouts of hiccups that go away on their own  A full stomach can be caused by: › Eating too much food too quickly › Drinking too much alcohol › Swallowing too much air › Smoking › A sudden change in stomach temperature › Emotional stress or excitement

8 INHALATIONEXHALATION Intercostal muscles between ribs contract Intercostal muscles between ribs relax Rib cage moves up and out Rib cage moves in and down Diaphragm contracts and moves down Diaphragm relaxes and moves up Chest volume increasesChest volume decreases Pressure decreasesPressure increases Air moves inAir moves out


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